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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. good point......but at few years ago he made it to the finals, he coulda done better tonight........repeat on espn2 right now
  2. i was wanting big papi to win....oh well.......just like i knew he would, berkman choked cuz hes a astro
  3. lol yea that means it would still be loading at 9 tonight haha
  4. well it does work if i wanna wait literally 5 hours for it to load lmao
  5. lol i know but i wanna watch them so bad
  6. hey COOP why do u torture me by posting videos on here and i cant watch them???lol
  7. i look forward to watching it, altho its gonna be kinda hard shuffling between that and the homerun derby
  8. that was crazy, but GO ITALY
  9. lol yea really
  10. i'm tired of this bullpen, i say they send each and every one of them down(with the exception of dan wheeler and dave borkowski)and call up all their relievers from the minors, anybody can do better than these "pitchers"
  11. LIDGE, when will the stros learn, HE SUCKS
  12. somebody kill lidge.......PLEASE
  13. id say hes pullin in a fairly good chunk of change with that plus his nike deal and other endorsements
  14. i like pujols, i hate lidge, i hate qualls, i hate pretty much all the stros relievers!!!!!
  15. nah they cut him altogether, he sucked lol
  16. JASPER WILL WIN travis reagan,justin parsons and cord yates on the mound chantz pryor at 1st,robert shellhammer at C,ryan ellis at 2nd,taylor hart at SS, aaron stephenson/travis reagon at 3rd, justin parsons,jaylon clotioux,john bradley and blake weller all in the OF that is unstoppable
  17. i hope so too
  18. theres a rumor that goldberg might be signed by TNA.......and brock lesnar is starting to compete in MMA i think
  19. yea it was both of their farewall matches.........
  20. haha YES Goooooldberg, gooooooooooldberg lol
  21. yea lol plus shawn wouldnt do that anyway because he is against stuff like that since he is a christian
  22. they were headed the wrong way because they were headed somewhere to catch a flight to philly that wwe booked for them, at least that wat i read
  23. yea theres somethin bout him hes a racist manager
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