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Everything posted by Morgan

  1. yea angle is takin some time off, read it on prowrestling.com
  2. cena, angle, and some of the major ecw guys like sandman and rvd
  3. yea, who is everybodys pick? i hope they dont have that stupid international home run derby again cuz last year that left out deserving ones such as ensberg and put ppl like ICHIRO in...........i pick either thome or pujols
  4. back in the day, nothin could pull me away from wcw.....i loved all the wcw wrestlers from nash to goldberg to sting to hogan, even screaming norman lol
  5. oh yea i LOVE lita 8)
  6. im goin for edge........i like him and think he is ready to lead raw
  7. im with bulldogbark, the jasper vs. gilmer 2004 3A state title game was a classic
  8. im with bulldogbark, the jasper vs. gilmer 2004 3A state title game was a classic
  9. at least it wasnt the bullpens fault this time
  10. i couldnt believe,WHEELER OF ALL PEOPLE, he is their best reliever and now he blows it, i say fire all of em and make an entire bullpen from scratch by picking up free agents, nobody can be worse than they are right now
  11. nope, in my opinion theyre the worst bullpen in the majors THEIR PAYROLL IS 104 million. theyre overpaying clemens,overpaying lidge and everybody.......dont get me wrong i like the astros, just wen u blow a 9-1 lead, that is just horrible
  12. the astros bullpen just sucks. in consecutive days, they have blown games they have had won because of chad qualls and brad lidge. the only good relievers they have are dan wheeler and dave borkowski. qualls give up a grand slam that ruins bucholtz' quality start then when oswalt goes out in the 7th, in 2 innings they blow a 9-1 lead because of springer and lidge,who i have never really liked anyway. they just got lucky in the 13th last night
  13. no im from jasper and jasper had 4 players leaving, brandon kines, will alvis, brad chapman, and robert gilbert..........but other than that yea it was all their varsity team
  14. could somebody tell me who won all the state championships?
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