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Everything posted by Nanna

  1. You should suggest a touch-football league. Are you blood thirsty or what? Protecting players from possible long-time or permanent injury doesn't mean suggesting "touch-football".
  2. Yeah! You spelled his his name right!!
  3. I am from West Texas and our field has had turf for several years. I've never heard of any problem with staph.
  4. I think that some are forgetting that it's not whether select teams are the way to go or not. It's the parent's attitude. A lot of the problem today is that kids lack respect for the authority figure. They learn this from their parents. You may not agee with the coach, but is it really the time to let everyone know what you think during the game? That should be done some other time, quietly. When I hear someone yelling at a coach in any sport, I want to ask the person why he doesn't have a degree and isn't the coach since he(or she) seems to know everything. That person not only makes a fool of themselves, but is very annoying to the other fans. .....and no, I have never been a coach , nor have any family in coaching.
  5. There is a reason you actually have to play the ballgames. Abilene High was picked by most to go all the way to the state finals in 5 A Division II. They were defeated in Bi-District. Upsets happen all the time. GO HARDIN HORNETS!!!
  6. It is fun to read all the "Top Tens" I printed it so that I can reread them in December. I 've lifed in West Texas for over 30 years now so I don't know about a lot of the teams down there---I am only interested in 23-2A. Just look at a Texas map and then tell me that Dayton and BH are not in Southeast Texas.
  7. My apologies on the PM. It could be Abilene or Goldthwaite. Nanna
  8. Don't forget you got called yellow. I see why you hide behind that user name. Fight? I just invited you to a private talk or whatever my friend. Check how negative most of your post are. I read all the stuff you had going on with the H.D. people. It's a small world and I'm sure I will find out who you are in time. In closing I wish you and the Hornets the best of luck. Sorry about your letterman jacket. I just can't think why someone would want a letterman jacket with a 4 year letter in being the water boy!!!!!! YOU are a moderator???? WOW!
  9. I think a lot of people of this board need to grow up. It seems like many people make stupid remarks. For instance, "HARDIN handles everyone when the clearly get handled" Hmmm, they've been " handled right into the playoffs. Just saying.
  10. Was Rick Dubroc Playing then? No He must of played at a later time.
  11. Since I am probably much older than most of you, the game I remember was in 1963 or 1964--been a long time ago. Liberty was deep in the playoffs. It was played in Houston; the temperature was about 19 degrees, light rain, wind blowing and it did not let up. I can't imagine how bad it was for the players. As a spectator I lost feeling in my feet and hands.
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