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Everything posted by Curelover32

  1. Yep... world revolves around you. I'm just visiting. Later loser.
  2. LOL...wonder why you were banned. 🤣🤣🤣
  3. Really??? No date in your profile. My profile clearly states I joined in 2008. Give it up, retired troll.
  4. Whole hearted congratulations to PNG for your wonderful season and doing a great job of representing the Golden Triangle. Even though I don't live there anymore, it's always exciting to have one of our teams representing so deep in the playoffs. Wish Vidor could purge a few of your coaches, but we all know that can't happen. Lol
  5. Whole hearted congratulations to PNG for your wonderful season and doing a great job of representing the Golden Triangle. Even though I don't live there anymore, it's always exciting to have one of our teams representing so deep in the playoffs. Wish Vidor could purge a few of your coaches, but we all know that can't happen. Lol
  6. Plus, your beloved and perfectly coached team lost. It's getting cold, time for you to hibernate.
  7. I understand you are retired and this whole "computer" thing must be very daunting for you. Just take a peek at your Casio watch and see it's 2022. You are having debates we guys that have been on this site 15 years. People like you come and go. Your just an Old fart in the wind. Go away!
  8. RIP my friend. You will be dearly missed.
  9. Worse is Crosby. Have to walk to home side to get anything other than candy and chips.
  10. It was overdue anyway
  11. 14.2 has to be in heaven rn. Too bad he swore off posting again this season. Sort of miss it...not really.
  12. I might eat my words but large D linemen seem to have trouble with Vidor's misdirection. Honestly, the blocks last one second.
  13. Love my pirates but will take a near perfect game to take out The Hill.
  14. No political answers. Why the hate for people having pride for their alma maters?
  15. May have to call the game? Midnight
  16. CC...guessing you are in a better mood this week.
  17. Accepted. I feel you. Really do.
  18. It isn't. But you are trashing the town.
  19. Vidor provides plenty of trash cans on the visitor side for you. Town has taken a beating and you complain about parking. Just stop!
  20. Blah...blah... blah. If Vidor is a joke and beats you, what does that make you?
  21. Let's talk football and quit whining.
  22. That can happen anywhere. Tbh
  23. Their pass D is good for Vidor
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