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  1. Maybe if you list Baddog as a reference trump will finally hire you lol
  2. It’s okay man just keep up the hard work, and trump will nominate you for a cabinet position any day now Chief Internet Defender
  3. Right.. Mat and Smashmouth seem to be normal, respectable conservatives. These other guys are just bots
  4. “Our side” ”Other side” Bot factory in here. There is no point in further debate. MAGAs are brainwashed into thinking they’re actually part of the team lol Have a great rest of today, Bots
  5. Again, every accusation is a confession for the MAGAs. Obviously this topic, and any criticism of MAGA, has you foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog b-b-b-but Biden.. I mean killary! Such a good little predictable bot lol
  6. So who do you think should step down? Straightforward question, hopefully you’ll provide a straightforward answer I recall mostly everyone calling for Hillary to step down and/or be jailed
  7. Baddog really thinks he’s part of the MAGA team huh. Guy will defend literally anything and everything. Bigly hypocrite
  8. There you go. Calling out your own self for being a hypocrite. Lmao.
  9. Perfectly described yourself with this one, lol
  10. Don’t worry guys These guys are all actually geniuses and this all part of the 4D chess MAGA master plan
  11. He’s certainly putting in better effort than Biden, I’ll give you that! The method and implementation is my gripe. There is no real plan, just wake up one day and announce new or retract tariffs.. Guess it depends on which side of the bed he wakes up on. You see it yourself, markets rally when he shuts up
  12. Oh I see. You genuinely believe in this 4D chess mega genius tariff plan lol
  13. When’s that, 2 weeks from now? Or 2 weeks after that? still waiting for “concepts of a plan” to show us the plan
  14. so uh.. who do you think pays tariffs lol
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