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Everything posted by HuntersLaptop2028

  1. Trump worshippers are still in denial about him adding $8 trillion in federal debt They either don’t know math, or.. what’s the term we can use on here.. low information voters? Yeah that’s it
  2. I remember when roe v wade was supposedly safe and untouchable. Don’t worry guys the libs are just being dramatic.. SIKE next up - contraception and IVF. Buncha weirdos man. Always trying to control women. Maybe because their wives hate them.
  3. Have some self respect man Stop devoting your life to defending this dude
  4. Guy is clearly losing it. We should not let 80 year olds run for president it’s just crazy man.. He posted on truth social more than once per minute during Kamala’s speech apparently, LOL
  5. Trump University graduate brain - Mad when gas prices are high Mad when gas prices are low Praying for your internal struggles brother, something is clearly off
  6. Another mad, angry hater. Trump supporters will root for high gas prices, job losses and a bad stock market if it means their daddy trump has a better chance of getting elected You guys are not patriots like you claim to #traitordog
  7. Typical Trump University graduate response Trump bucks, PPP, and $8 trillion deficit = good cuz daddy Trump
  8. My initial thought was.. free markets and chasing profitability Did some quick googling and read that we import thicker, lower quality oil because we have the infrastructure to clean and refine it. So, sounds like it’s more profitable
  9. Hate hate hate.. all you do it hate. Why are you MAGAs always so angry man You can’t even cheer on the fact that gas is cheap again
  10. Gas is less than $3/gallon thanks for our leader Kamala Harris 2024. Please join me in celebrating lower gas prices at the pump, for our fellow Americans. (True Patriots only) The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d.
  11. Was the MAGA movement a psyop by liberals, to destroy the Republican Party? Or just one giant grift and scam.. gotta be one of the two. The only election they’ve ever won was against Hillary Clinton lol #sad
  12. The divisiveness was cool and funny, for about 1-2 years. Dude his son in law got a $2 BILLION check from Saudi Arabia right after trump left office.. you gonna sit here and put your head in the sand pretending that didn’t happen? You guys bend the knee no matter what. It’s honestly very sad. How can presumably once normal people fall to this level of denial. Something is off.
  13. Now the trump supporters are saying I hate successful people, even though I said I hope GOP nominates Glenn youngkin in 2028 Zero critical thinking 🧠
  14. Can’t help but laugh how literally every single trump supporter here, resorts to calling anyone who doesn’t support trump, as a democrat/liberal or pulls the millionth “what about Biden/x/y/z” These guys get what they deserve I’ll check back in around November for more crying and complaining
  15. He’s also the most openly corrupt and divisive president ever, so makes sense he’s under multiple investigations I think history will be very unkind to both trump and Biden but guess we’ll see
  16. Lol talk about lessons unlearned, good chat
  17. Trump supporter logic - anyone that doesn’t support trump, is a democrat People like you are the reason your party is a cluster right now. Give yourself two pats on the back, champ
  18. I’d say the trump voters are more responsible, personally Most of us understand the Democratic Party has gone off the deep end. Trump was supposed to be the chosen one to break up the establishment (lol), well he got his chance, and instead grifted a bunch of people out of their money, racked up a huge credit card bill, and spent all his energy calling people names and being divisive. people don’t vote Joe Biden or Kamala because they love them. They are voting against trump. It’s actually really that simple. Let’s hope GOP gets off the crazy train in 2028 (famous last words)
  19. @thetragichippy question - is there anything on earth that would change your mind on this topic? Or are you dead set no matter what, with zero proof.
  20. Trump supporters are convinced the politician with the most attendees at a public speaking event, wins the election Are the normal conservatives getting tired of this yet?
  21. US set records for oil production for multiple years in a row now. Trump supporters will find a way to cry and complain about this
  22. Trump supporters are convinced the billionaire supporting another billionaire, have people like Reagan’s best interests in mind Freaking LOL man
  23. Maybe if the stupid republicans would get off 1) trumps crazy train , 2) culture wars and 3) the abortion topic, they’d be up 10% in the polls right now Seriously should’ve been the easiest win of all time but they’re trying their hardest to screw it up. Maybe by 2028 they’ll pull their head out..
  24. His son in law, former trump admin, got a $2 billion check from Saudi Arabia right after trump leaves office. So this we know for sure. Trump likely received tens of millions by funneling government business into his real estate properties (secret service, etc staying at his resorts). We’ll never know the true amount here His DJT publicly traded company is definitely another scam up his sleeve. Straight up money laundering. Coincidentally hit all time low today, post merger. Not to mention all the donation campaigns where his team is skimming off the top. It’s one scam after another with this guy and he doesn’t stop. Crazy part is he’s ripping off some of the poorest people in this country
  25. Any guesses on how much Trump would add to the federal debt in 4 more years? If I was a betting man, I’d say at least $10 TRILLION. #MAGA
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