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  1. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from Mr. Buddy Garrity in Vance said that Harris can go to hell   
    A MAGA complaining about rhetoric
    These guys can’t be serious 
  2. Like
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from Big girl in Vance said that Harris can go to hell   
    A MAGA complaining about rhetoric
    These guys can’t be serious 
  3. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to CardinalBacker in Only 1 Former President Showed Up -- His name is Donald Trump!   
    Perfect. I give you permission to head on in to Dillard’s and just take whatever you want. 
    Let me know how it works out for you. 
  4. Thanks
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to UT alum in Only 1 Former President Showed Up -- His name is Donald Trump!   
    Again with Breitbart. The families don’t supersede military rule of law. Tug at those heartstrings with misinforming lies. People never think clearly from a state of emotion. That’s why tyrants guild their messages with “patriotism” and “heroism”. 
  5. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to LumRaiderFan in Only 1 Former President Showed Up -- His name is Donald Trump!   
    Nobody loves and defends him 24/7 here, that’s a lie.
    But I could say the same thing about you people that hammer him 24/7, when you know he would be the better President.
    Now that’s weird.
  6. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Paid $35 To Fill Gas Tank — thank you KAMALA HARRIS 👱🏾‍♀️   
    same dudes who scream free market, de-regulation, then blame liberals when their job gets outsourced overseas to GY-NA
    that’s free market capitalism buddy! Cut costs, maximize profits! 
  7. Thanks
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to CardinalBacker in Paid $35 To Fill Gas Tank — thank you KAMALA HARRIS 👱🏾‍♀️   
    What's worse than a tax and spend liberal?  Broke, middle class conservatives that cheer for tax cuts for the rich while their 401k gets destroyed and deficit spending causes high single digit inflation for years to come.  
    The inflation that we're feeling was put in motion by Trump's deficit spending and cash handouts.  Anybody who sat through micro and macro economics knows what's up.  
  8. Sad
  9. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from LumRaiderFan in Paid $35 To Fill Gas Tank — thank you KAMALA HARRIS 👱🏾‍♀️   
    Hate hate hate.. all you do it hate. Why are you MAGAs always so angry man
    You can’t even cheer on the fact that gas is cheap again 
  10. Like
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from Big girl in Paid $35 To Fill Gas Tank — thank you KAMALA HARRIS 👱🏾‍♀️   
    Gas is less than $3/gallon thanks for our leader Kamala Harris 2024.
    Please join me in celebrating lower gas prices at the pump, for our fellow Americans. (True Patriots only)
    The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up , averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d.  
  11. Sad
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to bullets13 in The Dem National Convention!   
    you know what's funny?  based on a lot of the statements he's making, I genuinely think it's hurting Trump's feelings.
  12. Thanks
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to bullets13 in The Dem National Convention!   
    If i started a thread of all the crap and insults that he's thrown it would be 1000 pages long.  He's literally brought the majority of it on himself.  Typical bully behavior to be honest.  And y'all can say he's not a bully, I've got TDS, whatever, but Trump IS a bully.  That's why a lot of people like him.  Crap on everyone, beat up the little guy, but when everyone gives it back gets his feelings hurt and plays the victim.  
  13. Like
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from CardinalBacker in First conviction in Arizona fake electors case as Republican activist pleads guilty   
    He’s also the most openly corrupt and divisive president ever, so makes sense he’s under multiple investigations
    I think history will be very unkind to both trump and Biden but guess we’ll see  
  14. Like
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from CardinalBacker in Kamala Harris proposes raising corporate tax rate to 28%   
    I’d say the trump voters are more responsible, personally 
    Most of us understand the Democratic Party has gone off the deep end. Trump was supposed to be the chosen one to break up the establishment (lol), well he got his chance, and instead grifted a bunch of people out of their money, racked up a huge credit card bill, and spent all his energy calling people names and being divisive. 
    people don’t vote Joe Biden or Kamala because they love them. They are voting against trump. It’s actually really that simple. 
    Let’s hope GOP gets off the crazy train in 2028 (famous last words)
  15. Thanks
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to CardinalBacker in Kamala Harris proposes raising corporate tax rate to 28%   
    Already has. 
    Everyone that voted for Trump in the primary is just as responsible as those that voted Biden. There’s no reason the Rs lose this election, except they nominated Trump AGAIN. 
  16. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from Big girl in Refill The Swamp - Trump's Son Gets $2 Billion From Saudi Arabia #neverforget   
    Trumps son in law, married to his daughter, who both had positions in trumps admin, getting a $2 BILLION dollar check from Saudi Arabia shortly after trump leaves office
    And you guys are convinced he’s the one true  savior.. and we need him to get elected for another 4 years
  17. Like
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from Big girl in In 4 Years - Trump Had $8 TRILLION Deficit   
    Any guesses on how much Trump would add to the federal debt in 4 more years?
    If I was a betting man, I’d say at least $10 TRILLION. 
  18. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to UT alum in They’re Sacrificing and Sterilizing People At The DNC Convention!   
    Yeah, and they lobotomized and sodomized at the Republican National Convention.
  19. Thanks
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from UT alum in Bone Spurs Trump Crapping On Veterans.. Again   
    This is the guy yall worship and battle online for, every.. single..day… weeks months and years in a row now.

    VFW Admonishes Former President for Medal of Honor Remarks
    The following is a message from VFW National Commander Al Lipphardt
    August 16, 2024      This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up WASHINGTON — “On Thursday, former President Donald Trump spoke at an event where he made some flippant remarks about the Medal of Honor and the heroes who have received it. In the video that has circulated online and 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up , the former president was recognizing Miriam Adelson in the audience who he awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom during his time in office. As he described the medal as the civilian version of the Medal of Honor, he went on to opine that the Medal of Freedom was “much better” than the military’s top award, because those awarded the latter are, in his words, “ … either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead.” He continued by comparing Miriam to MoH recipients saying, “She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman. They are rated equal.” These asinine comments not only diminish the significance of our nation’s highest award for valor, but also crassly characterizes the sacrifices of those who have risked their lives above and beyond the call of duty.
    When a candidate to serve as our military’s commander-in-chief so brazenly dismisses the valor and reverence symbolized by the Medal of Honor and those who have earned it, I must question whether they would discharge their responsibilities to our men and women in uniform with the seriousness and discernment necessary for such a powerful position. It is even more disappointing when these comments come from a man who already served in this noble office and should frankly already know better.
    While the Presidential Medal of Freedom maybe our nation’s highest civilian award, the Medal of Honor is more sacred as it represents the gallantry and intrepidity of courageous and selfless service members, often at the cost of grievous wounds and even their lives. It’s because of our Medal of Honor recipients that great Americans like Miriam Adelson have the freedom to live to their fullest potential and make such lasting contributions to our great nation.
    We would like to remind Mr. Trump that the 12 times he had the honor of awarding the Medal of Honor as president of the United States, those were heroes not of his own choosing. He bestowed those medals on behalf of Congress, representing all Americans of a grateful nation. We hold the donation of their lives in service to our country in the highest esteem, and so should he.”

  20. Haha
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to CardinalBacker in First conviction in Arizona fake electors case as Republican activist pleads guilty   
    All of y’all Trumpers after seeing no actual proof of voter fraud, and witnessing numerous convictions and agreed settlements for lying about voter fraud…
  21. Like
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from CardinalBacker in Trump Running in 2024   
    It’s okay man, he can rack up the credit card bill as much as he wants because he knows if he blames the next guy.. his worshippers will believe it (and they obviously do)
  22. Thanks
    HuntersLaptop2028 reacted to bullets13 in Tim Walz’s 2006 campaign falsely described details about his arrest for drunk driving in 1995   
    Man, I reaaaaally don't think she's losing.  Maybe some of her polling numbers got a little inflated with the buzz around her getting the nod, and will drop a little.  But the Donald appears to be getting desperate.  One of the things I'd noticed was that a few months back he seemed to be calming down a little, not making as many outlandish statements, tamping down on the insults.  It was working for him, too. But now he feels it slipping away, and he's doing and saying crazy stuff again.  It may get his disciples fired up, but it's not gonna help him with the votes he's going to need to win.  I guess we'll see.  Your guy on X is right about one thing: she's a weak candidate.  My prediction is that Harris wins this election, does a poor to mediocre job, and the next election the republicans take the white house back, IF we nominate anyone halfway electable.  So help me, if Trump loses again and these dipsticks spend four years whining about stolen elections and then nominate him again for 2028, i'm done with the party.  This year should've been the easiest republican win since Reagan in 84, but we found a way to possibly screw it up.
  23. Like
    HuntersLaptop2028 got a reaction from Big girl in Refill The Swamp - Trump's Son Gets $2 Billion From Saudi Arabia #neverforget   
    Just a quick $2 billion check after Trump leaves office.
    And dudes here barely scraping by on social security will climb mountains to defend this, yikes.
    Key Facts
    After Trump left office in 2021, Kushner quickly set up a new private equity firm, Affinity Partners, which raised over $3 billion in capital by 2022, with about $2 billion coming directly from the Saudi Public Investment fund, the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund.
      Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman serves as the chairman of the Public Investment Fund, and 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  to approve the investment and overruled a panel of advisors who called the sum “unsatisfactory in all aspects.”   Kushner developed a close relationship with bin Salman while he served as a White House advisor during Trump’s presidency, helping to approve a $110 million weapons sale to the kingdom after it faced public backlash for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi—which the Department of National Intelligence later reported was directed by the crown prince.
      House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin, D-Md., has continuously pushed for the committee to investigate Kushner’s deal with the Saudis, 
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  last February and asking Comer to  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  in August.  
    Affinity Partners has since i
    This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up , which provides loans for solar panel installation, acquired  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  Shlomo Group last September, and invested $500 million into building luxury resorts in the Balkans—including a  This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up  that was bombed by NATO in the 1990s and a beach resort on an Albanian island.  

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