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  1. Man, you’re the one who can’t help but stick his foot back in his mouth over and over again replying but never actually refuting anything I’ve said or any info I’ve posted. Now you wanna quibble over the definition of “send” because the facts are what they are and you don’t like them brought up? Whats next, Bill? You gonna argue over what the definition of “is” is? Like I said before, folks. With “friends” like these…
  2. I think they’ve already got a good coach at REL, which is one reason the talent that doesn’t transfer out of the District transfers there. I also think you might actually see GCCISD ram through that high school consolidation in the next few years under the guise of cost-savings. It’s a bit more complicated than that. Remember that GCCISD allows incoming 9th graders/parents to choose their High School campus using the Academies option and GCCISD provides transportation. The football talent that doesn’t transfer out of District transfers to REL. it’s not enough to get beyond reaching 1st round of playoffs every decade or so but for Baytown right now that’s really good. I’m pretty sure that GCCISD would prefer it the other way around but between the best HFC in Baytown, Coach Finn, being at REL and so many other programs poaching the talent out of GCM that’s just the way things have ended up around here. Poor RSS. They’re so hopeless they don’t even get mentioned in conversation. GCM has a pretty rich pool of talent in their attendance zone, but there’s so many other programs with their fingers in the pie that there’s no way to get those kids in the door for 9th grade. You realize the Baytown Chargers Youth Fooball kids play more games per season in North Shore than Baytown? Ever notice GCM’s feeder Jr Schools play Cunningham, etc while the others in town don’t? GCM’s talent/parents are getting looked at and talked to from elementary school on up.
  3. Yeah, I don’t BLAME folks for transferring their kids out either. I simply mention on here that these things happen and there’s folks who just don’t like hearing that. You’re right that it’s a sad situation.
  4. You’re right and you’re wrong. You’re right that there isn’t enough talent in the schools. There IS a lot of talent in the attendance zones, but most of it transfers out. I’m not faulting anyone, just pointing out the facts. ”Voting down Bond proposals”. You think giving GCCISD a Billion dollars is going to solve anything? They’ll just blow it all on shiny toys like they did the last few times we gave them money and then be right back where they are again. “Why won’t anyone run for Board spots?” Well, since there’s nothing anyone can do including Board members to right the ship why run and “win” just to have your name and face attached to the whole thing when it comes crashing down? All I’m doing is pointing out facts. Now, there’s folks who don’t like those facts, folks who love to try to distract from those facts when they get brought up, but no amount of distractions or whataboutisms or yeahbuts are gonna ever change the facts. They are what they are.
  5. Yeah, right, like folks on here can’t read your prior posts. With friends like these… I mean, it’s not like we in Baytown don’t support BH. GCCISD sends BH 100 students a year by way of transfer. That’s twice as many as we send North Shore, Deer Park, and La Porte. I wonder how many of those 100 a year end up in the BH football program? Not just talking about High School transfers either. I’m talking about how many BH players are Jr High transfers out of GCCISD too. Don’t believe me? Read it yourself. [Hidden Content] Goose Creek CISD Demographic Study.pdf
  6. They can’t. They’re broke and can’t pass a Bond.
  7. GCCISD can’t afford to rebuild RSS and it’ll be declared unsafe in 4 years if it isn’t rebuilt, it’s got a LOT of structural problems that were discovered a couple years ago. Voters have rejected the last 2 Bonds put up to a vote, and are in no mood for a 3rd Bond election. GCCISD had to draw millions out of their “rainy day fund” and make a lot of cuts and close/consolidate a couple elementary schools to stay solvent this year and they said at the last Board meeting they’ll have to do all that again next year and the year after will be even worse because they’ll have to start repaying their “rainy day fund” as well. What I’m saying is that there isn’t going to be any 4th High School although they may finally force a consolidation as a way to save money. We’ll have to wait the next couple of years to see if things improve financially for GCCISD or if they have to continue to cut/consolidate in order to stay afloat.
  8. GCCISD has approved at their last Board Meeting the rezoning maps to take effect this Summer. With that said, GCCISD refused to answer when asked at that Board meeting whether this rezoning would be enough to get GCM down to 5A in ‘26. They deferred the question to the AD who spoke later at the meeting, and no one asked him. They DID say, however, that there are some things they can do beyond rezoning like moving programs around that can get those numbers down as well. They also said that even if GCM drops down in ‘26, it’ll be right back up in ‘28 or ‘30 at the latest and unable to drop again because the rezoning is going to fill REL/RSS up so there won’t be any more room to take the excess students out of GCM and they’re going to keep growing with all the new construction out there. Long story short, it looks like they’re probably going to get GCM back down into 9-5A-1 in ‘26 but it’ll only be a 2 year break before they go back up to 6A to stay in ‘28. RSS in 9-5A-1 and REL in 9-5A-2 SHOULD be staying where they are. Barber’s Hill is set to exceed 6A enrollment numbers by next year so most folks figure BH and GCM will switch places, BH moving up to 23-6A and GCM taking their place back down in 9-5A-1 with RSS. None of this spares GCM Football the whooping they’re going to get again this season in 23-6A plus it wouldn’t matter if Nick Saban is their HFC they can’t beat REL in the shape they’re in and probably not RSS either.
  9. Yeah, he’s really gonna need it. He’s a lot like the guy they just fired, no HFC experience, but has worked as an assistant for some successful programs. He was at Summer Creek for a little bit, was OC at REL for a few years, he’s spent the last couple years as an assistant at Aldine Nimitz. His advantage over Ragsdale is that he’s from here, and comes from a family of athletes who all did great things here, so he knows a lot of folks here in town. I heard he was involved in youth coaching around here for a while so he knows a lot of the kids and parents which is something Ragsdale never had. I don’t think it’ll be enough, Ragsdale had assistants that had been studs at REL back in the glory days who knew folks in town and knew the kids and all that and none of that helped at all but it didn’t hurt and now at least it’s the HFC with the local connections. I’ve said this before and will say it again, what the new GCM HFC needs to do is go to the GCCISD Board and demand that they let GCM out of having to play REL/RSS each year. There’s no real rivalry there between the schools, GCM isn’t in the same classification as REL/RSS, and as bad off as GCM is those are 2 guaranteed losses every season. Just say “We’re 6A and play 6A teams, not little 5A teams” schedule 3 horrible HISD teams, beat all 3, and then go into District play at 3-7. Find a way to beat Channelview and end the season 4-6. That’s better than RSS’s 3-7 last season and only 2 wins back from REL’s 6-4. Most folks wont know or care how it was done, it’ll look like a big turnaround. Who am I kidding? They’re not gonna change anything. 1-9 or 0-10 season incoming. I do wish them luck though!
  10. GCCISD just announced their new hire for GCM HFC/AD. “The Goose Creek CISD school board has voted to approve the contract of Jay’Mond Cleveland to be the next Head Football Coach/Athletic Coordinator at Goose Creek Memorial High School. The coach is no stranger to the district. He is a 2003 Lee High School graduate and a former Ganders offensive coordinator under head coach Tim Finn. Cleveland left the school district after the 2021-2022 school year and took a position at Summer Creek High School. He has spent the last two seasons at Nimitz High School. More than 60 candidates applied for the Goose Creek Memorial opening. The applicant pool was whittled down to a top 10 list, then to four, second round candidates and finally to two, in the third and final round. Cleveland will be the fifth head coach since the school opened in the 2008, taking over for Daniel Ragsdale. Ragsdale was 2-28 in his three years at the helm of Patriots football, winless this last season. Cleveland will be tasked with guiding the school district’s only Class 6A athletics program as well as its football team.”
  11. Agreed on all of that. He wants to be a HFC one day and that can't happen without moving up to a higher position so it is what it is. Westfield benefits from his talent and his name. Ganders will be alright, BTW. I'm pretty sure this has been in the works for a while and Coach Finn has had some time to get a new man in there, plus with REL in 5A for eternity it's not like they'll ever have to see Coach Hurts from across the field so its all good..
  12. Well, I guess I spoke a little soon. Averion Hurts Jr just tweeted out that he’s taken an OC job at Westfield HS.
  13. You’ve got to remember we’re talking about GCCISD here. When’s the last time GCCISD made a good decision? I can’t think of a single one since they hired Coach Finn on for REL and that’s been going on 8 years now. You really think they’d be that smart?
  14. His brother Averion Hurts Jr is QB Coach at Baytown Lee. OC is Jaymond Cleveland.
  15. Nah, I don’t want my name attached to that. Coach Simper probably ought to leave a copy of the playbook with Coach Poole along with that lineup, though, just to play it safe!
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