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Ned N9

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  1. Praying on the downfall of some 18 year old kids is a different kind of weird. I can’t imagine you have many friends Mr. Lamar. I get it though, y'all couldn’t get the job done so you have to hope someone else can handle your business for you.
  2. PNG couldn’t stop Hubert if their life depended on it. I can’t imagine the numbers the “freshman qb” would put up against the baby soft Port Neches D.
  3. The big one that matters most. Clearly you’re still not over it either!🤣
  4. I bet your dancing around the house in your purple still celebrating PNGs win from last night lil dude
  5. Rich will use this as a coaching moment and Ned will bounce back next week to seal the first seed spot for playoffs. Maybe a loss at this point in the season isn’t the worst thing. Sometimes in life you need a reality check.
  6. Guess they never woke up🤣
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