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^Gusher Fan^

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Everything posted by ^Gusher Fan^

  1. Good luck Broncs!!!
  2. He's learned it from his dad. It's not so much what he says, it's what he does.
  3. Wow! He's been ressurected again, and came back for more! He almost sounds sincere...
  4. No disrespect intended, but I would think that anyone with hearing aids would just naturally turn them down, or even off in anticipation of the amount of noise from a crowd like ours. I personally know of people who bring earplugs who sit near us, because they expect us to make lots of noise! They are on the L-TRAIN, not watching some tennis match!
  6. Mr. Jerry Creel is the AD for Deer Park. I spoke to him at length on Monday, as a representative of the LRABC (Lumberton Raider Athletic Booster Club). I assure any and all, that he and I completely understood each other when we were discussing the issue of grills being used. He stated that if someone is standing around their cars eating in the parking lot, that's ok. However, if they break out the grill and start to have a party in the parking lot, they will be asked to leave the area. Thus, THE FIELD PAST THE PARKING LOT AT THE SOUTH END OF THE STADIUM. Later today, I will be sending out emails to all the members of LRABC, as well as LHS OP GRAD 2008 email list to reiterate some of these things. If you would like to be included on my email list, please either PM me with your email address, or send me and email to [email protected].
  7. Congrats to the HOUSE of HUSSEY!!! That boy is lucky to have a fine famliy backing him all the way! Oh, yeah, in case there's anyone who didn't know it, this year, the L-TRAIN is one big happy family!!! CHOOO CHOOO!!! All the way, Baby!!! Why? Because WE BELIEVE!
  8. Check. Got em. Hubby got some new little device. Works on HOT AIR alone. I say, outta be as loud as the train horn!
  9. Well, thank you, stangchain! I knew that catchy title would get all you guys' attention! I'm sure every last one of ya on here was rolling your eyes, going "Oh...please!" : Well, PSYCH!!! Glad you enjoyed it! Now, HOW BOUT DEM RAIDERS????
  10. That LOOK...just before you realize that light is really the L-TRAIN...
  11. Yes, many of us saw and commented on that.
  12. Mr. Creel stated that this time, they will open the gates 2 hours before gametime to accommodate the crowd. I must say, DPISD is being very, very hospitable to us!
  13. Well, I'm not Maverick, but I am being serious when I say "WHY NOT?" I mean really, no one here (except us TRUE believers) even expected us to win anything this year. Stranger things have happened, right? Remember: WE BELIEVE.
  14. He doesn't need his ankle to use a mouse! Did he forget to hang on when he jumped on the L-TRAIN?? Shoulda worn a seat belt!! Hope he's back soon!
  16. Guys, I don't know if you got the message about DP allowing us to tailgate. As long as we go to the field at the south end of the stadium, we are fine! Since Mr. Creel got nothing but compliments about our tailgate party from the Goose Creek AD, he is looking forward to having us there!
  17. For those of you who haven't taken a ride on the L-TRAIN for the tailgate party yet: See anyone you know??
  18. Gee, Mr. Creel has been very busy on the phone this afternoon! I just spoke to him also, and he said that there is a field at the very south end of the stadium, OFF the parking lot, which will also be used for overflow parking. He stated that we COULD use our grills or whatever at THAT location, no problem. He just asked that everyone park sensibly so it can still be used for parking. He did say if it rains though, it will be a mess. As for the airhorns...he stated that they will have people/security there, and that they may tell someone that they are not supposed to have them, but they WILL NOT be searching anyone! As for the L-TRAIN Whistle and the truck horn, those need to be OUTSIDE THE STADIUM. As far as any repercussions, if someone (opposing team) wanted to complain, it would be OUR TEAM that would be sanctioned. Mr. Creel also stated that he had heard some VERY NICE COMPLIMENTS about the L-TRAIN crowd from the Super at Goose Creek ISD. Now...with all that said...Gentlemen, and Ladies...LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!
  19. For real, I think we oughtta have 2 L-TRAIN convoys to the game: one for the Tailgate Party and one for the Raider's escort! We could meet up at Ford Park or something at a certain time. ???
  20. I would have to ask them for their definition of quiet. Then I'd show them the difference between making some noise, and then MAKING SOME NOISE!
  21. Hehehe...you and the other few hundred people trying to get there from work!
  22. I'm sure if I weren't so ecstatic about our success this year, I could probably be rational and find some justifiable reason, but right now I just can't! Our TRAIN horn wasn't actually inside the gates...it was outside, behind the scoreboard.
  23. Noooooooooo.....But, they didn't either!!!! "Don't ask, don't tell"...if it's good enough for the military... 8)
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