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^Gusher Fan^

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Everything posted by ^Gusher Fan^

  1. Awwwwwww, Brook! So, so sorry! :'( Hold your heads high, nothing to be ashamed of!
  2. It outta stay, but as the TigersVoiceofReason stated, perhaps should be at the other end or something. Now, if we could just get them to bring it to the Wildcatters hockey games!
  3. The HEAT was on the FIELD!!
  4. Awww man, I wanna go!!!! :'( :'( :'( Scalp 'em!!
  5. NOOO, actually, they PAID ME to take it!!!
  6. Who's gonna be HOME team this time?
  7. and LOOK what I found! I just HAD to get it!!
  8. Very sincerely, Thank You. LM does really have some talent.
  9. **Warning...do not overcook!!! Best served up while they're still kicking and screaming!
  10. But now LaMarque has heard of LUMBERTON!! ;D They heard the L-TRAIN, but it was too late!
  11. Ok, I waited til after the game was over and done with, but obviously, they won't give a rip... their administrators must not have much couth either. ***MODS: Before you censor me or ban me, please understand that this was sent by LaMarque's # 45 to MY SON, via MySpace. My son did NOT reply or make any comments toward this individual, whatsoever. I'm quite certain that if Coach Credeur caught ANY of our boys pulling this kind of cr@p, they'd be outta there in a New York minute! You just can't respect someone who has no respect for themselves.
  12. GO GET 'EM INDIANS!!!!!
  13. Thanks, EVERYONE!! There is NO limit to the number of cars on the L-TRAIN!! We'll color 'em any color you like! COME ON PN-G!!!!! KEEP THE STEAM ROLLING!!!!! If I weren't back at work, I'd be there in the rain with you!!!
  14. Thank you TV! Now come here and let me repay you that hug!! ;D
  15. Oh, it WAS TRUE... they literally had to drag #9 off the field. He was hitting and kicking and bawling the whole time...
  16. Awwww, heeeeeere Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.... Isn't 'Pounce' the name of a Kitty Treat?? Man, LM got hit by the L-Train, and Pounce got squished, eh...banned...WHAT a DAY!!
  17. There was no LET to it!!! I bet all the neighbors are still wondering where the train was coming from!!! We had a semi-truck horn too! Not to mention allllllll the airhorns Academy and Gander Mountain could sell!!
  18. Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!
  19. ALL ABOARD!!! THE L-TRAIN WILL BE DEPARTING SOON!!! I hope the Baytown shoppers can handle the traffic!
  20. POUNCE, I've read all of your posts, I can almost even respect YOUR OPINION. I hope you don't take what I'm about to say out of context. I really, really mean this in the nicest possible way, but... IF the CooGUHs outplay, outwit, and outlast the RAIDERS, then we will all give them their credit. Til then, don't you need to go lick your fur or something?
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