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^Gusher Fan^

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Everything posted by ^Gusher Fan^

  1. I wish you had said something. It was great! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait til next week! Ya'll need to let me know what to bring, cuz I will most certainly be there. I may be unemployed after that, though, since it's my weekend to work! Oh, what the heck...what's nine years' seniority anyway??? L-TRAIN, BABY!!
  2. WoooHooo! Loadin' up the truck now!! The L-TRAIN is leaving LHS at approximately 3:15 to escort the busses! Gonna be lots O traffic down I-10 West today!!
  3. All you jokesters pay attention: Now THAT'S CLASS. Thank you, NDNWarrior!! Best wishes to PNG and Dayton also!
  4. BH, I'm still not sure of the answer. The printers were still printing late last night, trying to fill the orders that have been pre-sold. I am not one of the organizers of this project, so I really don't know. As we were filling orders after the pep rally last night, the shirts were still literally hot off the presses! We were making runs to get them as soon as they had a bulk done. There WILL however, be Raider caps and visors for sale by the Lumberton Raider Athletic Booster Club. We will probably have a table set up, and we will also be selling in the stands before the game starts. Be sure to look me up and say hello.
  5. Jealous cuz you didn't think of it? No need to be rude. All you had to do was click on another page.
  6. The tailgater party is from 4-6pm in the student parking lot. There will be food, drinks and music! Also, anyone who ALREADY ORDERED their playoff shirt on last Friday night can pick them up from the LHS Op Grad 08 tables. The Pep Rally will be starting at 6 inside Raider Stadium!!
  7. Jeremy Carter (I don't know what his number is, sorry) wrote this years senior class song. Appropriately titled "Raiders 08".
  8. Raider Tailgate Party! Thursday November 15th Student Parking Lot 4:00pm – 6:00pm Food & Music Community/Student Pep Rally @ 6:00pm in the Football Stadium Fireworks JOIN THE L -TRAIN
  9. We (LHS Operation Graduation 2008) have been taking orders, and I am checking to see if we will have extras available on hand Friday night to sell at the game. I am the PR person for Op Grad, so if you will pm me your info, I will let you know something as soon as I get my answer. I will also be getting an order form for others who want to order the shirts for the following week!
  10. I was wondering about that earlier, too. When we played in Dayton and Cleveland the visitor stands were packed, and those weren't playoff games. I wish some of the 'powers that be' would re-think this and quick! I really don't want to have to spend the night at BH Stadium, but I guess I would. :-\
  11. I forgot to say it earlier, but thank you, l town fan! It's great.
  12. According to all the predictions on here, that should happen. Would be great for us all to go that far!
  13. [move][glow=red,2,300]Credeur for Prez![/glow][/move]
  14. Credeur ROCKS!! There was a student at the game who held a sign saying: "Credeur for President". That was cool. Props also go to all the rest of the coaching staff. They worked just as hard this year, and just as long. I'm glad their chemistry finally came together, too. Going even farther back down this road of success and memories, let's all not forget where this group of boys really came together: LYF&C. Danny Golden and Mike Minton did a great job when they started the foundation for this rock solid team 6 or 7 years ago. They worked hard to teach these kids the things they needed to know as they moved on up. They were both building our kids up for the future. Even as Andy and Aaron (Danny's and Mike's sons, respectively) moved up, these two guys are still working at the younger levels - still working on new foundations. They have both invested so very much into the future of the Lumberton athletics program. What a way to give back to your hometown! ALL of these people have my utmost respect for all they've done for OUR kids. I saw a picture of Coach Credeur yesterday on [Hidden Content] that far surpasses any other I've ever seen. It was father hugging son. The caption was what made it: "Sometimes it's just about being a dad". No matter when or where you see Alvin Credeur, he is still just as human as anyone else. Congratulations to the entire Lumberton Community--we've ALL made a great team this year!!
  15. Sweet! Now, if some of that enthusiasm could spill down to SETX for their ECHL affiliate!!
  16. Man, last night was a GREAT night for my two teams!!! Go Raiders! Go Catters! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  17. Better yet, come jump on the L-Train with us and see it for yourself!!! ;D
  18. YES, there will be a parade! It may not be today, but there WILL be one, and you're ALL invited! All smack, and all B. S. aside, we told ya'll this was our year! By that, I mean WE BELIEVED IT. It wasn't smack...it was what we believed. Our coaches believed, our boys believed, and our fans believed. It was a mindset. We're not finished yet, but you'd better believe, we're ready! Thanks for all the support, best wishes to all our SETX teams.
  19. At this point, that just MAY happen!!! ;D
  20. From PERSONAL observations (meaning I'm speaking for MYSELF only), SMG has not been very hospitable to Wildcatters' staff or fans. A little birdie gave me factual information that SMG now has the correct equipment to clean and maintain the "glass" in the arena. They had SIX days between the end of the Fair and the Wildcatters' first game. Not surprisingly, it was not done. (Who knows how long they had it before the Fair. It's not like the glass was up during the off season). People pay their hard earned $$$ to sit on the glass, and yet it is so dirty and scratched up, you don't get a clear view. Forget about taking a decent picture through it! The last day of the Fair was Sunday, Oct. 21. SMG knew the Wildcatters' schedule, and that they would be back in town to practice on Tuesday. So, what did they do? They gave all the maintenance employees Monday off! So? So...all the dirt that was covering the arena floor was left there until Tuesday. That meant that on Monday, the Coach/Front Office staff had to scramble to make arrangement for the entire team to go to Houston to practice. I don't know how many folks realize what all that entails. First, you have 20-22 players, the coach, trainer, equipment manager, and possibly even the water boys. Next, you have to have enough room for them all, as well as all the equipment. You need a driver(s). I personally haven't ever tried to rent ice time for a whole hockey team, nor have I tried to get transportation for that many people with that much cargo in that short amount of time. I would imagine it ain't cheap! Oh, did I mention that the practice along with the added travel time to and from, had to be scheduled in between other appearances that had already been planned and booked? Ok, now on to my personal experiences with SMG this past weekend. Remembering what has happened with my pre-paid season ticket holder reserved seating after previous rodeos and other events, I decided to make a call to SMG last Friday (more than 24 hours before the scheduled home opener). I wanted to be assured that my seats would be in place, and that they would not be covered in dust, dirt, cow manure, or whatever else may have been left on them during the off season. I was told "The arena crew is out there now working on the seats". I explained that I did NOT want to arrive at the game to find that my seats were nasty, then miss part of the game while waiting to have someone clean them, as I would not sit in a nasty seat. I'm sure the woman thought I was being petty, but I assured her that with as much money as I had spent on those seats, I wasn't concerned about sounding petty, so much as I wanted to have a clean seat to park my rear end in when I got to the game. She took my name and number and promised to call me just as soon as she spoke to the supervisor. Hey Lady, I'm still waiting to hear from you!!! My phone is on!! When we arrived at the arena Saturday, my daughter went to the seats while I stopped to take care of some business. Yep, you guessed it, the seats were FILTHY. My husband was not shy about asking for a supervisor, then having them come and clean our seats so we could sit in them. Fast forward to the end of Saturday's game. The game had not been over more than 15 minutes, and they were already turning all the lights off. The same thing happened on Sunday, as well. A certain organization that regularly has a table set up at all the games was there, of course, and had more to carry out than usual. Instead of offering assistance, possibly in the way of a rolling cart or dolly, all the employees circled around like a bunch of vulchers, and continued to close in. I just don't think that an extra five minutes worth of lights would have made that much more debt for the arena, nor would helping have hurt them, either. As I said, these are just my personal observations and experiences, but I am not feeling the love from SMG towards the Wildcatters, or the patrons who support them, and ultimately give them $$$. When it comes time for the real talks, I hope Bo knows 'Diddley'.
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