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^Gusher Fan^

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Everything posted by ^Gusher Fan^

  1. Come on PNG Fans! Give me an idea who all might stop by!! We're looking forward to seeing you! Please drive safely! ARRIVE ALIVE!!!
  2. Indian Chief may need hip waders to get to game!
  3. Sounds like they got their "issues" from the beginning of the season worked out? Maybe a little bit of discipline for the team isn't so bad after all? I really hope that all the kids that thought about leaving in the beginning stayed and stuck it out. They'll learn more from that little bit of adversityby staying around and not giving up. A real character builder. Good luck with the rest of the season, Bears!
  4. Chief, by all means, please do!! I'm not sure what side of the field I'll be working on, but be sure and ask for me. If they aren't sure who ^Gusher Fan^ is, just ask for "Raider Red's Mom". Most everyone knows me as that! ^Gusher Fan^ looking forward to saying HOWDY to Indian Chief! :!: :wink:
  5. Thrilling! It's been quite a ride, no matter what! I hope we can keep it going!
  6. What did my Little Kopriva do to get himself a penalty??
  7. WOOOO HOOOO!!! Look at all those penalties! Nice to see a variety of names on there! It's not the same ol' Kos every time! :wink: I must say, I really expected to see "The Rack" on there! I thought Bayrack would be our enforcer. Maybe he's just laying low and saving his energey for later? Letting everyone else have their fun now? Have Mercy!!! I can't stand the waiting! I'm soooooo ready for our "date" with the Boys!! My testosterone enriched son gets irritated with me and says: "Hockey, hockey, hockey!. That's all you ever think about. You care more about hockey than my football games!" Well Son, DUH!!!!! I have and will support him, and love him always and unconditionally, no matter what, but there's NO hiding my love and addiction for hockey!
  8. How about it, PNG fans? Anyone gonna come by and visit before the game? Don't let all the jabber on here dissuade you! You are all are invited, and we (Operation Graduation) would like for you to feel VERY welcome!!
  9. Hey Lumberton and PN-G Fans! You are all invited to come and tailgate with us at Lumberton High School stadium before the game on Oct. 20! Lumberton Operation Graduation is holding a Tailgate Fundraiser Oct. 20 from 3:30p.m. – 7p.m. before the game. For $5 you get your choice of a link or chopped beef sandwich with all the fixin's, chips and a drink. We will have a DJ playing music, and face painting for the kids! All proceeds go to Lumberton Operation Graduation. No need to stop off at a drive thru! Bring your blankets and come on out to the game a little early and have supper with us! No extra charge for the hospitality! :wink: Anyone wanting to purchase tickets, PM me for more info. Also, tickets will be sold at the event. Thanks for your support! LUMBERTON HIGH SCHOOL OPERATION GRADUATION
  10. Thanks for the kind words, guys. It was an exciting game! Central seemed to run the same play over and over, and for some reason, we just didn't seem to catch on at times. There were other times when our boys looked like they just froze with the ball when Central was coming at them. I have to say, it was kinda comical to see them just hanging on to the Central guys while they were running down the field. It was as if they were just hanging on for the ride! Eventually, though, they started to get the hang of it. All in all, it was a great game. The Raiders hung in there and never gave up. Perhaps~~and that's a BIG maybe~~if we had tried to pass more in the last few minutes of the game, we might have been able to catch them. Not the boys' fault-whoever was calling the plays should have tried it. Just my 2 cents, though. I've never seen half time go into OVER time before!! Central, you guys had a very respectable homecoming ceremony! The honor and respect shown to all of the previous schools' homecoming courts and officials was awesome. And the band, spectacular, as always! Too bad the half time announcer wasn't announcing the entire game! Great game to all! Lumberton may not have won the game, but at least they stayed in it! Nothing to be ashamed of!
  11. Hey Gusher, I thought that might be you...My daughter is Sportznut's friend that went to Odessa with ya'll last year. You simply must come and sit in the "Gusher Fan Club" section for at least one game!!
  12. I'm still here...not that I was missed or anything. Just figured all the back and forth stuff wasn't really worth the effort. I did offer to eat some Humble Pie along with others, in another thread. As Raidernation stated, my son is also a junior on the team, and likewise, I will continue to support the Raiders - WIN or LOSE at least until he graduates. My daughter is a senior, and she works hard on the sidelines at every game also. Our boys learned a lesson or two last week, but they've also learned work ethics; you don't give up, and you don't lay down! As far as a few of the individual players' remarks after the game, that should have been brought to the attention of the coach to handle. Had the coach heard about it first, there would have been no need to ever even post it here. It would have been handled then and there. Yep, we're still here, and still proud of OUR team! Go Raiders! Good luck to everyone this week! May you all stay safe!
  13. If you can make it to any of the sessions during training camp next week, some of us could try and get you "jump started"! Evidently, you did not attend with the correct "mojo"! haha... You need to be amidst some REAL fans for the total effect!! Not saying anything bad--just the opposite. Come on down, any of us on here will be happy to corrupt...uh...I mean convince you!!!! Bring all your friends too!!! It doesn't matter if we're Fans, Boosters, or just plain ol' Fanatics...we're ALL crazy about hockey!!! :!:
  14. New Indian, that would be MUCH appreciated. Our mascot, as well as all of the other STUDENTS, has worked very hard at the task "he" is given. Our current mascot is trying to create a persona that ALL of Lumberton can be proud of. Raider Red would like to become synonomous with great school spirit, and not just another handsome guy on the sidelines! When your Indian takes the field, most everyone in SETX knows that the "kid in the costume" had to work really hard to get there, and that is a great source of pride to your school and town. That's the way it SHOULD be. Sportsmanship comes in many forms. From the kids on the field or court, to the bands, cheerleaders, drill teams, and even the fans in the stands, respect should be given where respect is due-even when a select FEW over-zealous fans tend to do more harm than good. I hope you all can look past Stunners' remarks and come on over and do some tailgating with us before our game on Oct. 20. We'll show you what hospitality is!
  15. At the rate he's goin', he'll be able to afford a car just like Coop's!
  16. OOPs! I'm so sleepy, and the last thing I saw before I started typing was your siggy! Thanks for correcting me!
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