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Everything posted by VPIFA Pride

  1. Hello all, My name is Paul Heidleberg and is this is my first post on this forum. I believe this should be an area where folks share positive comments regarding their kids' football experiences. However, I was told about the inaccuracies being written on here so I'd like to set the record straight this one time. I, along with several others, started a new football league in Vidor (Vidor Pirate Intermediate Football Academy) because we didn't like the direction and actions of VJFA and Lonestar. This is what we felt was necessary to ensure a quality football program for our kids. We did a lot of advertising and people were allowed to make a choice. Some stayed with VJFA and Lonestar but most chose to play with VPIFA and STJFL. We've put a tremendous amount of time and effort into building VPIFA and we're proud of our accomplishments. We know we can't please everyone....but we're trying to. Our board is full of hard-working, dedicated folks. We have a fantastic facility that we call "the Cove". And we're very proud to be affiliated with STJFL. I believe these are the reasons the majority of Vidor's kids play football with us. Our focus is on teaching football, motivating them to work hard, being good role models, and ensuring our kids have fun. Having said that, please allow me to clear a few things up. VPIFA does not have any stacked teams. The proof is with the coaches. Ask them if they feel like their team has less talent than another. Believe me, a coach would be the first to tell you if they were on the short end of that stick. When we walked away from VJFA, we left with nothing. We didn't steal jerseys or other equipment as was suggested by vpirate75. Now, I have no way of knowing if a kid is wearing VJFA equipment as it all looks the same. The problem here is that VJFA didn't do a very good job of collecting their equipment at the end of last season. However, I will keep my eyes open and, if I see a kid in possession of VJFA property, I will encourage them to return it. I can assure you that VPIFA has never suggested that we're merging with VJFA. Our message was clear...we are no longer affiliated with them and we absolutely don't want people to think that! VPIFA has also never suggested that VJFA would dissolve because I knew Coach Chris Comeaux would be able to put a team together. Chris is well-liked and has a big fan base in Vidor. However, I heard those same rumors just like everyone else but you should know that those rumors didn't originate from us. There's nothing "fishy" going on at VPIFA. We're just a group of people doing the best we can to provide our kids a fantastic football experience. As with any new organization, there will certainly be a few bumps in the road. But overall, we think we've done a great thing for Vidor kids. We have nothing to hide here. I'd be happy to discuss anything that we've done with anyone who'll listen. Everyone needs to realize there's always another side to every story and you shouldn't believe everything you hear or read in this forum. To those who've heard negative comments about VPIFA, feel free to contact me directly. I'd prefer to discuss these matters face-to-face rather than spew this junk on a forum that's supposed to be highlighting the efforts of the little football players and cheerleaders of SE Texas. Regards, Paul Heidleberg VPIFA President
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