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Everything posted by Knoddy1

  1. Nederland JV 41 New Caney West Fork 0
  2. Since we already know we're going to lose those games we just stay home right? One things for sure anything can happen in high school football so maybe we just play the games and see how it goes.
  3. What would be the reason for letting him go?
  4. Nederland Freshmen 43 Santa Fe 0
  5. After reading all the posts mostly from Tiger fans it is comical, first Ned coaches are bad, then in the end Tiger coaches are bad, Ned QB is bad, but he did beat you didn't he and he is a junior.
  6. Any JV or Fresh games to report
  7. Got any scores to report?
  8. Didn't they cancel last year and we picked up Jacksonville ?
  9. Any scores to report?
  10. Has anyone heard who will be the home team?
  11. Luke (No. 32) may be a junior but the program has him listed as a soph. So if someone knows for sure let us know.
  12. It seems to me that the dogs defense has shown a tendency to get better as the game goes on and after that one personal foul late in the game, I think it just pissed the defense off because they just jacked their intensity up another notch.
  13. Ned Fresh was leading Dayton 40-20 with about 5 min left in the game.
  14. Any updates
  15. Does anyone know if KLVI will be doing the game tonight?
  16. Been a lot of juggling of schedules all I know was Ned played HF last night.
  17. Nederland Freshmen 28 Hamshire Fannett 12.
  18. Currently a hurricane is hitting south Texas and we're getting a lot of rain from it. The bathrooms and stadium (press boxes) upgrades were never scheduled to be done this year but done in phase 2. (next year) When all is done the stadium new high school and upgraded elementary and middle schools will look GREAT, and bulldog fans will be very happy, but outsiders will be just "disgruntled" and I'm good with that.
  19. Way more kids died from the Flu this past season than the Covid-19, and way more adults have died from Covid-19 in the ages 65 and above and with underlying conditions for the most part. Now the vast (not all) amount of teachers are well under 65 years of age. So in my opinion we just need to open the schools and quit living in fear that some politicians and a lot of the media are shoving down our throats.
  20. How about the work on the press boxes, any news on that
  21. Ned Fresh "A" was leading Vidor Fresh "A" 26-0 with about 8 min left in the game.
  22. Can't imagine what you could be working on if you only had 1:09 left in the game.....you have to let the kids win, just not very smart or fair to the kids on the coaches part.
  23. I thought so, PNG's freshmen "A" are always pretty good and that score didn't seem to fit.
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