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Everything posted by Knoddy1

  1. Basketball does not draw between 10 to 15000 fans, does not get the community fired up like football does, does not generate the revenue that football does, does not have a 200 piece marching band, westernaires, multiple concession stands, cheerleaders etc to compare the two is like comparing apples to oranges.....go to Indiana then you have a Basketball AD.
  2. If the AD job goes to anyone other than the Football HC then the priority of the football program in Nederland has just been seriously downgraded. SAD
  3. If the new coach carries on the winning tradition then the money will come (just like it did for Larry) if the losing starts no money, new coach
  4. I hate t think in the future we have to get our Football coach at Walmart
  5. Pretty much what I was getting at, we could be putting ourselves in a deep hole for many years to come if the AD is not tied to the HC Football position.
  6. So if English gets the AD job then Simmons or Barrow would be the new Football Head Coach, and if whoever gets it turns out to not be up to the task, then we would be looking for a new Football head coach and for about the next 20 years we would not have the tool of AD to entice a good candidate to come here ! that's how I see it, somebody straighten me out if I'm wrong.
  7. Anyone want to predict when the announcement date will be?
  8. You're right Coach De Rouen did go to PNG for a season maybe two, then Larry Neumann took over at Ned and Steve came back as the Offensive Coordinator, and Monty cut his teeth for offense learning from Steve.
  9. To my knowledge there has never been a football coach at Nederland that wasn't the AD and that is usually the case with the great majority of High schools in Texas, but the Nederland school board needs to think long and hard before they make their decision. I have learned there are two things that can disrupt winning football programs one is school boards and the other is Jerry Jones.
  10. Ok we gently and humanely defeated Central last year, because we wanted to not hurt their feelings....lol
  11. I say give it to Monty (I wasn't sure about that at first) but who knows what kind of head coach he may be, who knew what kind of head coach Larry would be until we hired him, besides some outside coach may just use us as a stepping stone and move on, If Monty keeps the program going he wouldn't be going anywhere. jmo
  12. Back in the early 60's Berkely was known as one of the most Liberal (radical) college's in America, apparently things have not changed one bit. Growing up my Dad always told me that all the really stupid stuff starts in California, it's ashamed such a pretty state attracts such idiots.
  13. Sorry to hear Gabe is gone, just wondering how much longer the P A News will be around, they're only a shell of what they once were.
  14. Well it said AD/Head Coach one (1) position....might not have said Football Coach but the advertisement is for one position, nothing said about possibly splitting it up.
  15. Soulja1 if we don't have the spring game what on earth would we talk about. But I am also starting to lean toward it being an inside promotion. But someone told me the job couldn't posted until Neumann was officially gone....anyone know the correct scoop on that?
  16. You're right if the job stays in house how fast they move is no big deal, all the off season things like camp fun (secret spring game) will keep on going, but if the job goes to outside I think the school board needs to have a special meeting and get the show on the road and not wait for the regular board meetings.
  17. Where do you go to see when the job is posted? The press release said they would start the replacement process immediately, (I would think that was pretty soon lol) We can all have differences on who the new coach will be but when one is selected, I would hope we All accept the decision and none of us boycott the inauguration of the new coach because Bulldog fans he will the Coach for all of us. One other tidbit of info if my memory serves me right 24 years ago Larry was not the 1rst pick I think not even the 2nd, I think those two turned the job down, (thirds a charm) somehow back then other circumstances got us the right coach, if I am wrong on that info just blame it on old age.
  18. Someone had mentioned that when they were getting rid of Bobby August that some folks in Nederland protested to try and keep him....that is true, and it was embarrassing, and I knew all five of them. lol
  19. you're right about Nederland not having the industry that PNG and Port Arthur have, but if you remember when PNG passed their bond election it was before the bottom dropped out of the economy, Ned put theirs on the table during a bad recession and had no chance of passing, just bad timing I guess. But one of the good things about the upgrade to Indian stadium is we win there more than the Indians do..so thanks for the nice place to win in.
  20. I'm 67 and Delbert Graduated a year behind me so 65 or 66 for him and lots of time left, same with coach Crommet, really sad to see Larry leave but it has been a fun ride, so thanks coach Neumann.
  21. Wow this thread sounds like a bunch of lawyers LOL. Well not even being a paralegal, I think you can put cameras up outside dressing rooms (in department stores) in order to show the folks who go in and come out, but I sure don't think you can video people undressing, I guess I need to see that law.
  22. Yeah Googling is a wonderful thing when you're drawing blanks huh Big Girl?
  23. Well we usually talk about watering the field when we have our spring game.
  24. I'm taking the dogs but not by much, all through the years Vidor has run the slot T I think the dogs have done a better job slowing it down than anyone else has. Should be a good game.
  25. There was a second chance, it was ignored.
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