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Everything posted by Knoddy1

  1. Coach Neumann didn't just wake up and decide to dismiss a couple of kids...every player understands his responsibilities to his team and to himself....Coach Neumann has dismissed players in the past, and believe me some were great players, as a fan I was disappointed in the ones dismissed in the past as I was this year. some of you need to know it is a discipline thing maybe you wouldn't understand...but around here the tail does not wag the dog.
  2. Nederland Freshman B 16 PNG B....0 Final Nederland Freshman A 28 Bridge City Fresh A 18 Final
  3. It's funny watching pakronos get all angry and upset...makes my day, the young man who transferred to memorials name was Jarod Johnson I believe, and he played his freshman and sophomore year at Nederland before leaving.....hated to lose him but that was his choice, the crying and whining is pakronos choice. LOL
  4. If it were not for Nederland and PN-G buying Port Arthur News, there would'nt be a Port Arthur News,
  5. Wow Buddy that one went over my head
  6. We could tell you who our equipment manager is but keep that information in the same secret box as our spring game LOL
  7. Buddy I'll tell ya a little trick we use at Nederland and Port Neches.....its called programs...you look at a players number and look it up in the program and BAM..all of a sudden we know who the player is...if you have programs at memorial you should try it, if you don't have programs maybe you can get the equipment manager to print some.
  8. LOL, Dang Buddy I can't tell if that is sarcasm or crawfishing ?
  9. Buddy you kinda sound a little angry, maybe cause you been saying for years how the titans will rule this district when you finally get here, and now that your boys are here no one is awe of them, with their big enrollment numbers, new school, pay for parking , incredible history of winning. And we do brag a little bit over here in Nederland, but it's not really bragging if you've done it right?
  10. Those transfers really do have speed, just look at how fast they pulled up stakes and boogied on over to Nederland
  11. Coach Neumann already addressed the reason for the dismissals to the media, and that was as much as the media or anyone else needed to know from the Coach.
  12. In the olden days it really was yellow jacket stadium, never was bumble bee or eagle stadium, then it became memorial stadium, back then the parking lot even had grass and it was free to park...imagine that
  13. What is 2200 Jefferson Drive, do you mean Yellow Jacket Stadium? LOL
  14. Hey I gave a heads up about our spring game way back in the early spring, after all the years soulja"s been crying about it, I thought he would make the trip, I guess he likes crying better. And as for the live mascots they were allowed back in the 60's, we had a live Bulldog and the Orange Tigers actually had a live tiger and it once got loose during a baseball tournament I think in 1967 maybe 66 was running around in some neighborhoods.
  15. I've never seen anything like this, they have a soccer coach that can not control himself, and the Superintendent can't control him either it sounds, seems BISD just can't stay out of the news lol
  16. I've never seen it this late before
  17. I don't want to throw any names out there, not until our spring game is over anyway
  18. I agree James, our cupboard is not as empty as some think it is.
  19. The grades for the past number of years were manipulated by organized cheating, now that the cheating is over with you have a better idea of how much work needs to be done at BISD so instead of saying "see I told you it wouldn't change" everyone (e v e r y o n e) needs to get on board and support the folks who are trying to fix things>
  20. Knoddy1


    Hey guys I work for the the federal dept of transportation, and we got cut just like the CDC did, first we got some pay freezes to minor ones, but I feel fortunate to be employed and none of my co-workers lost their jobs either. As for our mission, well we are still getting the same job done, mainly because we cut out some of the fat (best word I could think of). I read the link above from the CDC crying about their cuts, you would have thought that they were cut 95% of their budget instead of 5%.
  21. Well up until 2001 all the schools in Texas prayed before the Games, this movement started on the east coast and was contested by an Athiest, and it spread until we have a Supreme Court telling us we've been wrong for over 200 years. Proud we don't have to worry about schools influencing our religion 100 years from now it's happening now and its not the schools doing it. One last thing and I promise to shut up, It seems to me that if the Supreme Court says we can't pray in a extraculicular activity,where every student who participates is purely voluntary, and we (spectators) have to buy tickets to watch is wrong.
  22. This is a winless argument, but just want to say my little opinion. First I truly tip my hat the folks in Vidor and Lumberton and any others who have the guts to stand up to a decision handed down by the Supreme Court. Of course if a school violates these rulings then the Feds can withhold Federal Funding to that school....But what would happen if all our Moms Dads, and Kids got on the Internet and all agreed to start Praying on Friday nights.???I think the Supreme Court would have to crawfish a little cause I don't think they would shut the entire Educational System down.....I think would be a mini revolution.
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