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Everything posted by RustedCutlass

  1. No, only one could have "alledgedly" raped her. We do not yet know all the facts. Obviously you just read what you want to. I guess no one really learned anything from the Duke lacross team scandal and still make rushes to judgement ... sad. Really sad.
  2. Uh, I never said that, but thanks for pointing that out ... I think? ??? :
  3. We've got some really good kids here. I'm glad to them doing so good and getting recognition for those accomplishments.
  4. Its ridiculous to say Lumberton is the better team. They were the better team last year. But not this year. Better teams' offensive lines don't lay down and die in the fourth quarter and let your QB get sacked twice in a row.
  5. Definetly agree with this. But, this is not a school problem. True. The school district cannot raise the kids. I was just saying that by comparison, the kids with no shirts is a very, very minor issue.
  6. ...it makes you wonder if the principal really thinks that a few teenage boys taking their shirts off and wearing school colors in chest paint is really all that big a deal after all. Maybe, just maybe, there were some bigger problems for the district to worry about (under-age drinking?) over a few young fans supporting their team, hmmmm?
  7. (Raise middle finger) "Hey Ref! How many fingers am I holding up?"
  8. Pull for Lumberton, no one else likes us. Not totally true. Except for the Lumberton vs. Vidor and Lumberton vs. Central games last year, I was pulling for you guys. Same as this year. The Raiders are my third team to root for. I pull for Central second. And I'll pull for anybody from the GT should they make the playoffs. That's right, even the Indians and Bulldogs. Just not in district play.
  9. I think you'll play them close, IC, but I think that the L-Train still rolls in this one. I really like the way Tatum plays, but I don't know if he will have enough to get the job done. Raiders by a touchdown. I'm sticking with that this week.
  10. You know, PN-G really played against us like we played against Ozen ... with a case of fumblitis. ;D If PN-G can hold onto the ball, they can very well be a spoiler. While I think Lumberton takes this game, I think that if PN-G can hold onto the ball, they will keep it much closer. L-Train by 7.
  11. i'm sorry for the rude and disrespectful way those kids acted... and the parents should be ashamed for themselves, what ever happend to setting a good example... i personally told every png fan near me good game, because it was a close 1 to the very end... once again sorry for the behavior of those idiot fans you know what they say about village idiots... everyone's got a few of em I wasn't one of the ones talking smack after the game, but why call exuberent fans village idiots, vidor pirate? You don't have to coddle to them. God knows if PN-G had won we'd of had to hear their smack talk all week at our jobs from all our PN-G co-workers like they do EVERYTIME that they win. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E. But I guess that is okay, right? : There is an old saying that goes: "You can dish it out but you ..." well, you know the rest. ;D it's called respect and good sportsmanship rusted... even if they do that we should show that we are better than that and congradulate them on a great game (i feel like buddha now lmao) Oh, I hear you. We should be the bigger man and all. But I guess against PN-G, well, some people couldn't help themselves, probably the same ones that have to endure the week after torture after every PN-G win at their jobs. I'm friends with a guy whose kids went to WO-S back when they were in 4A. He was from England and didn't care much for football, as he always said that football players were sissys for having to wear pads and that rugby was a real man's sport. Anyway, we were talking one time and he told me "I couldn't care less if WO-S lost every football game just as long as they beat PN-G. I hate having to listen to their fans." So, it isn't just our fans. I'd venture that it is the fans of every other team out there. Maybe they should practice what they preach whenever they win. right, but we should as well ;D I agree. I'm just saying I can understand why some of them were doing it. The only place I talk any sort of smack, and I don't think it is much, is on these message boards. I'm not gonna get in anyone's face after a high school game. Now an NFL game? Heck yeah I do. ;D
  12. i'm sorry for the rude and disrespectful way those kids acted... and the parents should be ashamed for themselves, what ever happend to setting a good example... i personally told every png fan near me good game, because it was a close 1 to the very end... once again sorry for the behavior of those idiot fans you know what they say about village idiots... everyone's got a few of em I wasn't one of the ones talking smack after the game, but why call exuberent fans village idiots, vidor pirate? You don't have to coddle to them. God knows if PN-G had won we'd of had to hear their smack talk all week at our jobs from all our PN-G co-workers like they do EVERYTIME that they win. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E. But I guess that is okay, right? : There is an old saying that goes: "You can dish it out but you ..." well, you know the rest. ;D it's called respect and good sportsmanship rusted... even if they do that we should show that we are better than that and congradulate them on a great game (i feel like buddha now lmao) Oh, I hear you. We should be the bigger man and all. But I guess against PN-G, well, some people couldn't help themselves, probably the same ones that have to endure the week after torture after every PN-G win at their jobs. I'm friends with a guy whose kids went to WO-S back when they were in 4A. He was from England and didn't care much for football, as he always said that football players were sissys for having to wear pads and that rugby was a real man's sport. Anyway, we were talking one time and he told me "I couldn't care less if WO-S lost every football game just as long as they beat PN-G. I hate having to listen to their fans." So, it isn't just our fans. I'd venture that it is the fans of every other team out there. Maybe they should practice what they preach whenever they win.
  13. I mean no disrespect to LC-M, but if we lose this game it will be because we fumble the ball away on turnovers. When we hold onto the ball, we can take down anybody in 20-4A this year. If we don't beat ourselves, we should come out of this with the W. I feel sorry for the Bears this year, but not this game. I don't care if they do look horrible, we gotta go out control the ball and pound them into the ground. You let up against any team in 20-4A, and you are asking for a loss. But a steady diet of Reynolds, Teinert, Peevey and Pitman will wear them down right quick. Our boys are not going in to play lazy ball.
  14. i'm sorry for the rude and disrespectful way those kids acted... and the parents should be ashamed for themselves, what ever happend to setting a good example... i personally told every png fan near me good game, because it was a close 1 to the very end... once again sorry for the behavior of those idiot fans you know what they say about village idiots... everyone's got a few of em I wasn't one of the ones talking smack after the game, but why call exuberent fans village idiots, vidor pirate? You don't have to coddle to them. God knows if PN-G had won we'd of had to hear their smack talk all week at our jobs from all our PN-G co-workers like they do EVERYTIME that they win. E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E. But I guess that is okay, right? : There is an old saying that goes: "You can dish it out but you ..." well, you know the rest. ;D
  15. It might be on the front page since it was Nederland we were playing. The Suprise will probably not know our player's name or something like that. :D Good game Jags!
  16. Exactly. Vidor fans have got to stop settling with a team trying to barely get in for playoff contention. That will end up with you sitting at home. I think the team should be playing for first place every game, not just for a place. With the effort I saw out there against PN-G, I think we can go 3-0 from here on out. Control the ball and keep the turnovers practically nil, we can go toe-to-toe with anybody in this district.
  17. He looked a little lost. Maybe he expected it to roll into the endzone. Regardless though he should have moved away from it. Great game, Pirates! I knew we could beat the Indians if we got the turnovers under control. Hold onto the ball, run down the clock ... simple, but effective. Good play guys. And game ball should go to Pitman. Shane was great out there tonight.
  18. :o While I'm surprised to hear that from a PN-G fan, I hope that you are right.
  19. Somebody needs to inform Romo that this is an option! :D
  20. The Bulldogs are looking good. At the beginning of the season, a lot of people were writing them off that I talked to. Nederland high school students, in other sports, included. I have no doubt that they get in the playoffs. We'll have to see how they are looking after Halloween though. ;D
  21. If we can stop the turnovers, we should be set.
  22. Actually, you are playing us down in the swamp at ICF. We'll have to wait until next year to play at your new stadium.
  23. I'm taking down the battle flag. The Ozen game is history and I'm looking forward to Friday. I think we can crush the Injuns and the boys need every last fan behind them. So, I've said my piece about the mistakes from last game. Not to say I won't call out mistakes in the next game. We can't have sloppy play. But I'm sure it has been worked on. The only thing I want to see changed now is how quiet some Vidor fans have been the past few games. Don't they know this is district? Let's get loud Friday! I better hear y'all the whole game!
  24. Just a gut feeling here but I think we only put the pigskin on the turf 1 time Friday night... again just a gut feeling... my boy TR has a huge night along with Mr. Peevey and Mr. Pittman. The Offense line will bust off the line with Mr. Moose Burns and Mr. Chase Groves plowing the way. The Defense will come large and in charge. TIME TO KICK THE TIRES AND LIGHT THE FIRES BOYS OOORRAAAAAHH! I agree with you, CC. The defense has been the life force in our games, especially in the second half of the last few games. Hitting hard and hitting often. I'd like to see us get some early hits in on PN-G behind the line and set the tone early. And Reynolds is a beast. If he can keep his hands on the ball, he should have no problem picking up big yards against the Injuns. I'm ready for Friday, anybody else?
  25. That was all you could come up with? Really? So I guess since I'm not on the team or coaching staff I don't know anything about clock management? ;D ;D ;D You guys are too much! My sides are hurting. Must ... stop ... laughing!!!
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