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Everything posted by RustedCutlass

  1. Wow. Just wow. If this is the mentality of everyone against the bond it will pass for sure. I should "bit you," eh? (I think you meant "bite" but we'll let that slide.) I lose? Wow, I didn't know it was a competition! Of course you have to meet code, but that still doesn't make your home a PUBLIC building. After reading this post, I think you would serve the opposition better by crawling under a rock. You say that the buildings and the stadium are up to code as far as you know, yet you then trounce the maintenance department that makes sure it is up to code by saying they are doing a poor job! You are amazing. And since "I lose" I guess that means you won. Here is your award for MOST CONTRADICTING PERSON OF THE YEAR. Enjoy.
  2. Well, first off, a person's home is not public property so they don't have to meet ADA codes and since the are not in business of educating children they don't have to be wired properly for modern technology. Businesses are open to the public, yes, but they are paid for by private owners. So again, since they are not owned by the public, they can choose to keep their business in the stone ages if they so please, since they are not in charge of educating your children. But since they are open to public business, they do have to adhere to code enforcement when they look to add on or improve in any way.
  3. Ifyou want to be technical about it, the Rockets have "sucked" since 1996. From that time until now, when it comes to big games, they seem to always snatch defeat right out of the jaws of victory from what I can tell. That said, I root for the Spurs but I have no problem rooting for the Rockets if they make it further than the Spurs. (Just don't ask me if I root for the Mavericks or I will kick you in the face. Figuratively speaking, of course. )
  4. Seems like an odd slogan when in 10 years those building have to be renovated again for the same amount of millions. Might as well build new and get it over with. I think the voters are smart enough to see through that. Unfortunately for us, voters in Vidor are too stupid to even vote for renovations that we desperately need.
  5. While I admire your desire to be the devil's advocate, we both know that won't be the case. The state of the economy and slow work has contractors willing to bid less than they usually would just so they can actually have work during this economic downturn. That's how I see it. And, if that is really the case, hence the savings for the taxpayers. Once the economy picks back up, so do the prices. If Nederland residents have any desire to better the district, they better do it now while prices are low. If they wait, like you say they should, they will be paying more later and hurting themselves worse. And your comment about Wal-Mart? You do realize that they moved across to Port Arthur which ALREADY passed a bond and is building new schools? Which means taxes were already up! Again, I admire the devil's advocate schtick you have going, but don't let it keep clouding your judgement in future posts.
  6. Well if you are going to have an unbiased debate, you might want to use the correct figure. The bond is $120.3 million, not $126 million. Just in the delay from calling the election off in November, construction prices have gone down.
  7. All because somebody wasn't paying attention or was trying to beat the light. > A tragic end to a young and perhaps promising career. My prayers go out to this young man's family today, and to the families of all those involved.
  8. Some people have only one motive, mat. It is green and will burn quickly in fire.
  9. Money is like muck - not good unless it be spread. - Francis Bacon
  10. Probably be a toss up. Either way I look for it to be close. I'll pick my boys by one.
  11. Actually, teams like the Houston Texans go to great lengths to play on grass, bringing it in on pallets on the day before a game and piecing them together like a puzzle. It would really be more cost effective for them to have turf, yet they don't. Why? Because natural is better for the players. I think that these turf companies are really focusing on high schools now because of money. The NFL market is really small for turf fields, but when you look at just high schools across the south where HS Football is King? Can you say cha-ching? Compared to high schools, even the college market is small. Push your product to the biggest market. Doesn't that make the most business sense? It is all about money for these companies. That is why you hear about turf being the best thing since sliced bread. But please ignore the NFL and college teams that are adament against it and those who build new stadiums with having a grass field in mind. Sure we could use some upgrades in Vidor. Out press box and stands are very outdated and should be replaced, especially the kiddie section that we call the visitor's bleachers. But turf is not an upgrade Vidor needs. If they ever get it, forget lighting flares on the field for the band's lights out march and the twirling of fire on the field at homecoming. They might scorch the pretty (and expensive) turf.
  12. Actually, I thought that the Beaumont Bullfrogs had a short stint here around the early- or mid-1990s. The Golden Gators were in the 1980s.
  13. Ah, I see. I misunderstood your question when I read it.
  14. More than likely, it will be done near the beginning of the project, much like PN-G's is now usable when their schools are not yet finished. Many people say that is because of athletics taking priority, but the real reason for that is because work on a field and press box are much easier work than building an entire new school and the construction will go quicker as well. Look at a field being put down and a school being renovated/constructed. I can tell you real quick what the easier job is, and I don't even work in construction. The thought on the stadiums is pretty much a "get the easy stuff out of the way first" mentality. Then you are one project down within a few months of construction beginning. That is my two cents on that anyway.
  15. Both the press box and the visiting coaches box (on visitor's bleachers) are in bad shape. The bond would put one press box on the home side, for all press, both school's coaches, those running scoreboard, etc. Like it is at most other high schools. Rumors are flying I know, but from what I understand from NISD, the press box will NOT be like PN-G's, it will remain a one-level facility. However, with ADA codes needing to be enforced, part of that $1.8 million will be to put in a working elevator. No district can get around ADA codes in this day in time without facing fines. (The only exception for press boxes I can see in this area would be Silsbee. But not everyone has the luxury of being at the top of a hill where a ramp will suffice for ADA code.)
  16. Uh, no. When you take away all those kids you mention, and count just the adults in the stands that are not in school any longer, football wins hands-down everytime. I'd venture to say that most high school basketball games, especially girls' basketball, don't draw in as many fans altogether as just the amount of kids band, drill teams, pep squads, and cheerleading at the football games until MAYBE the playoffs. And that is on both the home and visitors' sides! In other words, take away the kids you mentioned, and a football crowd squashes a basketball crowd everytime in SETX at most, if not all, schools.
  17. NFL Playoffs and Super Bowl. Then the college Bowl games. Then I skip everything else on this list and go high school football. Then back onto the list for the World Series.
  18. I hope that he has a good year. He is one tough kid. Of course last year he was part of a three-headed monster with Peevey and Reynolds. Sometimes Dart. So, not as much pressure on him last season. But I think Shayne will do very well. He has a good head on his shoulders. If anybody can handle pressure, it would be him.
  19. You think maybe we ought to pull a "The Replacements" and put some glue on their hands? LOL! Seriously though, we do put the ball down waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too often.
  20. We had problems with speed again. (Central and Ozen) And against Nederland the defense acted like they had never seen a deep pass before. We've always had problems with speed, but lack of proper defense against the pass is just inexcusable IMO.
  21. I'm all for a shotclock. I hate seeing stall ball or a team taking forever to get up the floor.
  22. Last year or this year, it is a good move.
  23. Dr. Kenneth W. Young Kenneth Young, a.k.a. Indian Ken, 60, of Groves, TX died January 30, 2009 at Tucson Medical Center in Tucson, AZ. He lived in Groves for 39 years. He received his PhD at Lake Charles Bible College. He was a licensed Funeral Director and an ordained minister with World Ministries Fellowship. He was a member of the Emmaus Community, Walk l6. He served in the US Air Force and was an Amateur Radio Operator, K5NDN. He was an avid supporter of the PNG Indians. Survivors include his wife of 39 years, anniversary February 14, 1970, Christy Young of Groves; sons, Kevin Young and wife Michelle of Port Arthur, TX, Will Young of Groves; granddaughter, Angel Tomplait; sisters, Aquila Hanson and Jim of Wilcox, AZ, Priscilla Dunham and Alvin of Perris, CA and numerous nieces and nephews and a spoiled dog named Sugar. Funeral services will be 10:00 a.m., Saturday, February 7, 2009 at Port Neches Groves High School Auditorium. Visitation will be Friday evening, February 6, 2009 from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Levingston Funeral Home in Groves. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made at Gulf Credit Union under his name. You can sign the online guestbook at: [Hidden Content] Just thought some of you Indian faithful might be interested. Stories I've heard makes me believe he was quite a fan.
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