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Everything posted by Pic101

  1. Saddened by the passing of Newton Head Football Coach Curtis Barbay -- I only got up to Newton once or twice a year to visit with Coach Barbay.... but he was always so generous with his time, welcoming, fun to talk to, honest and open....and a dang funny man. Will always remember being on the field for his 1998 State Championship win....a great man and coach who will be missed.  Prayers and condolences to the Newton Eagle Football Family, players, coaches, former players, community, friends and family.
  2. Congrats, 'SuperFly'
  3. Not only did we have highlights, we had a post-game interview with Coach Williams.
  4. We have generator power at Channel 6.... everyone is here working. Well.... ALMOST everyone. Thanks for all the help.
  5. Assistant #2 is just as impressive!
  6. In case you haven't seen it.... We at KFDM Channel 6 are now doing a 'Scholar-Athlete of the Week' feature every Monday on News at Noon. "Our own" Lance Edwards (he of the broken ankle fame at the WO-S-Giddings playoff game last fall.... YouTube it--trust me!) recognizes a boy and girl each week for their achievements on and off the field. Not always the superstar player, but that's not the idea.... the idea is to recognize those who work hard in the classroom as well as the playing field. A big thanks to Lance, and to our area principals, counselors and coaches for their help in nominating these deserving young men and women. You can see previous honorees on our website -- www.kfdm.com -- click where it says 'More News, Sports and Weather Videos', and then the 'Scholar Athlete' tab. Coop also posts them here on setxsports.com. Greg Picazo KFDM News at Noon
  7. We don't %&@*!<? talk that $#!% on the Morning Show, Cooper! You dumb >!&*!
  8. You're welcome, COOP! Whistle! Miss me??
  9. [Hidden Content] Sports Illustrated's list of Top 10 Minor League prospects this year.... check out numbers 2 and 1!
  10. 4 more days.... 4 more days....
  11. Google "Mike Olliver" and go down to the third entry and you'll find out where our formerly beloved #10 is. Such a shame--we all wanted to be 'Like Mike" once upon a time....
  12. H-J--58 Cleveland--53 Lady Hawks now 18-3 overall, 4-0 in District
  13. Eisenhower--55 Ozen--49 Tomorrow's Semi's: Central vs. Aldine--9:30am St. Pius vs. Eisenhower--11am Championship Game at 5pm
  14. I'll provide the same argument for East Chambers that I did for Dayton, except.... East Chambers/Winnie CAN pick up KFDM and we (and the other two stations) covered every East Chambers game that was logistically possible. In fact, both KFDM and KBTV had the Hamshire-Fannett-East Chambers matchup as Game of the Week, which entails EXTRA coverage.... and we (KFDM) also had East Chambers-Buna as Game of the Week. Hope that explains that. As far as the 'School X gets all the coverage' argument--I cry BS. We try to cover EVERY team equally and do a good job of it, if I may say so myself. It burns me up when people watch once or twice a week and make their assumptions on who gets more coverage. NO ONE gets coverage every single day. NO ONE. I know it's not possible to watch all the stations every day, but if 'your' team is not on one day, it doesn't mean they 'never get coverage'. Unless you can provide proof on 'never getting coverage', don't say it. I can provide proof. Same goes for the thread regarding girls' sports coverage. Sorry to vent, but I take my job very seriously and do the best to provide equal coverage to all. And, when people challenge what we do, I take offense. You won't have to put up with it much longer, though!
  15. We (KFDM) did not 'drop you like a bad habit'. As someone stated earlier, Dayton is NOT in our viewing area. Yes, they are in our local district, so it makes sense for us to cover them during the regular season as they are playing local teams. Yes, we have shown their scores every week during the playoffs because they are in our local district and out of respect for their accomplishments. No, we will not be doing feature stories or covering their playoff games with a photographer. The reason? No one in Dayton would see it! Makes no sense. The Sports Department has very limited resources as it is (you have NO idea), and when we have four teams in our viewing area playing, they get priority. Plain and simple. We will continue to follow the Broncos through the playoffs and wish them well, but they have the misfortune of being in 'no man's land' between Beaumont and Houston. TV coverage will lack because of it. Certainly not the kids' fault, but it's not our fault either.
  16. Newton returned a blocked PAT for 2 points
  17. Just talked to Coach Credeur....game WILL NOT be at Rice University. They are working on University of Houston (field may be in too bad of shape)---if not, maybe Conroe Moorhead. Should still be Friday night. Will know more shortly....
  18. AWESOME video.... hats off to KFDM Director extraordinaire John Cain for putting it together! We're planning on putting past years on kfdm.com very soon!
  19. Hey All--Picazo here. Here's what happened.... For those that don't know, Pierce Rhodes' nickname is "Poo-Poo". I literally asked my bosses for permission to say it on tv when I did a feature story a couple of weeks ago! Anyway, I've been saying it ever since, and it makes Friedman giggle. I told him in the commercial break right before those highlights that I was gonna ask him on the air and he goes 'I'm not saying it!' So, of course, being the fool that I am--I asked him. And he says 'Doo.... not Poo-Poo! I absolutely lost it!!! A side note--the word 'duty' makes Friedman lose it because he says it sounds like 'dooty'. Get it? So, we both lost control for a minute. No disrespect to Pierce or to Kirbyville and WO-S for my goof.... just one of those things! Picazo
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