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Everything posted by 77

  1. Ok everytime!
  2. and most of the time people dress in black face to be funny! See how that works!
  3. and once again you get no answer of what Obama did for blacks!
  4. it only works one way and everybody knows that!
  5. if dems win this will be the new norm!
  6. that obama did a great job didnt he! LOL thats what they will say!
  7. WOW
  8. she got paid thats all she wanted hope she dont think of turning on the dems they will have her Clintonized!
  9. i think the biggest reason that most of the left hates him is because Trump nominated him. Most of the mob left has no idea about those lower court judges they just accept their marching orders and hate as directed.
  10. Drain the swamp!
  11. time to start crackin some skulls!
  12. Well thats good hope the all have them on when the shootin starts!
  13. He is the silver spoon brat the left rail about as privileged and now they want him to take control of their future hard to understand.
  14. Mustangs to young Newton gonna take it by a couple TD's should be fun to watch.
  15. 77

    True That!

  16. more proof that Obama and the other politicians on both sides were trying to take America down in global standing!
  17. typical nonsense when someone doesn't toe the line the far left and liberal minds think they should and they have the biggest stages.
  18. This is the folks the FBI should be after not trying to set up Trump and protect Clinton!
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. yep but.......... WINNING!!!!!!
  21. Hes not my first choice but he was the best choice in the end , couldn't vote for the criminal and old Trump has done more for all American races than Obama did for anyone except Iran. Check unemployment rates!
  22. Bear are you white? if not how could you know what white people want?
  23. 77


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