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Everything posted by 77

  1. DNC makes the mafia look like child's play except they have had DOJ and media on their side!
  2. why dont Obama do like past Presidents and go and try to do good for people like feed the hungry instead of community organizing and stirring people up!
  3. just sayin what your thinking!
  4. so you are saying you are for segregation?
  5. she just takin money the white man owed her for slave days you rednecks just dont understand!
  6. Trump saved his life if Clinton would have won Comey probably would be 6 feet under!
  7. George Wallace and the dems. should be happy they got the segregation they wanted and didn't even have to fight for it!
  8. the dems were asking for him to leave just a few short weeks ago and now that he's gone they act like they are mad about it! Liars and cheats just cant figure them out.
  9. all he had to do was keep movin!
  10. just be careful whose head you try to use as a basketball you just might get shot!
  11. new healthcare bill wont have a chance if the media can help it! Democrats good Trump bad!
  12. what a bunch of idiots!
  13. time will tell this last one the dems pushed through was very bad for me!
  14. seems to me they should be concerned about the fact that the DNC was cheatin poor old Bern. And crooked witch wasnt following the law . (email)
  15. meant to type a daddy!
  16. the left has totally destroyed the family and in that lies the problem. Everybody needs a dday! jmo
  17. Trump fired Flynn so he did what was right end of story!
  18. a lot harder to dig a tunnel than to just walk across!
  19. not sure about that I remember a man wanting a memorial in Orange on private property and the left went wild!
  20. And thats the problem so many believe she does.
  21. just another member of the swamp that needs draining!
  22. Mob just reacting to what the media and crooked politicians tell them to believe . Most have not even study the history.
  23. New Orleans is just a giant trash heap anyway !
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