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Everything posted by 77

  1. I agree but one party is more vocal and have a bigger platform.(hollywood and such)And if the right wing says anything it is skewed as racism.
  2. Yes they dont agree but you will not hear any of them on tv or radio stand up against it like you would if it were the other way around. Hence the double standard comment.
  3. Can you say double standard! >
  4. some could be leaving to make more money and theres nothing wrong with that.
  5. All who left have another job so hard times dont come into play.
  6. LCM lost a good one, good luck coach.
  7. has Brown pitched the whole game?
  8. Are you talking about the FBI sting with the fake explosives and missile that were intended to be used to blow up 2 synagogues and shoot a plane outta the sky ? That's quite scary...fortunately they were able to apprehend the 4 idiots involved...I say...waterboard them right in Central Park. : They say the FBI have been watching these guys for a year now, so that really puts it back under the last presidents watch. That can't be right. That would mean Bush had something positive going on..........Besides, it's a fact, who would believe that! 8) 8) I just hope they didnt hurt their feelings when they were arrested.
  9. Are you talking about the FBI sting with the fake explosives and missile that were intended to be used to blow up 2 synagogues and shoot a plane outta the sky ? That's quite scary...fortunately they were able to apprehend the 4 idiots involved...I say...waterboard them right in Central Park. : They say the FBI have been watching these guys for a year now, so that really puts it back under the last presidents watch.
  10. I never owned a slave! Why should I apologize? Oh by the way I'am white.
  11. They all say what they think the people want to hear, and then do what they want. Not a dimes worth of difference between any of them and thats from the top to the bottom. All bought and paid for. jmo
  12. coogs just making to many errors Listened to it on KOGT and it sounded like LCM hit the ball very good ,did not hear about to many errors.
  13. Dont seem they are having much trouble hitting the soph. pitcher.
  14. Its BEEN watered down for a while IMO. Three was too many, much less four. It has given teams a false sense that they have built a program. I bet nobody turns it down.
  15. Teachers can not always get every kid to pass, thats just crazy. jmo
  16. I'am all for helping the helpless just not the useless!
  17. Looks like the people are satisfied with the way things are going.
  18. How can anyone pick a side until all the facts are out?
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