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Everything posted by 77

  1. No way that happens anytime in the near future. If Lumberton keeps growing like they have been (I think they will) LCM will be the smallest in the district.
  2. "Sorry I ruined your black panther party" Forrest Gump
  3. To many QB's is a good problem to have!
  4. putting players in best position to help the team is what a good coach does, thats been part of the problem the last couple of years. Keep up the good work coaches.
  5. You've got to feel for Vidor. It seems like every year they are mentioned as a dark horse candidate for the playoffs, only to end up a bride's maid. u won't be saying that this season. i can guarantee u that one. The first guarantee of the new season, gotta love it.
  6. Whats the difference in the new black panthers and the old black panthers?
  7. I hope he makes it back.
  8. Shon broke his collarbone last week in a game with Texas State out for the rest of the season. Big loss for the Cowboys.
  9. If youve ever been in a fight I doubt you would find this extremely traumatic, But I'll agree with most of what you said.
  10. LCM has the speed. One of the reasons there was a coaching change, is Moody was as bad an evaluator of talent as well as a weak game day coach!He didn't,t care to develop any players on J.V. or Freshman football because the Varsity was his only concern.Since he is gone, alot of the talent came back from the other sports,Steven Wilson runs a legit 4.35 40 was on on of the H.S. mags before last season .He came back along with basketball players who were banished from the program for choosing to pursue other intrest and not choosing to be football exclusive I will bet my paycheck theres not a legit 4.3 in LCM. If there is he would be at the state track meet.
  11. Keep up the good work Gary.
  12. Looks like all his buds are coming to the rescue.
  13. little johnny is a synonym of sorts for a kid "who never does anything wrong?" : syn·o·nym Pronunciation: \ˈsi-nə-ˌnim\ Function: noun 1: one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses Thanks Dayton nikespeed isnt wise enough to know that because he is typing on a message board instead of paying attention in class.
  14. Spoke with several coaches that left last year that said as asst. coaches they had no say in who played where they played or when they played. Why have asst?
  15. Kid was out of control several adults were witnesses, little Johnny needs to respect a little authority.
  16. It was a question and I think yall have answered it ,thanks.
  17. WO-S is hiring more coaches than spots vacated? They have the extra money, now that they don't have to bus. : Stopping the buses dont seem to have had an effect on the track program?
  18. Crouch coached the OL last year. He wasnt the oc?
  19. I thought Dyer was ol coach?
  20. Wow coach talkin some trash on the schoolboard.
  21. Dayton That means you'll get to meet Dugas you'll enjoy his bs tell him I said hi. Dugas and bs....no way. ;D I think Dale has more of it than myself. Great guy. Yea he's a good guy.
  22. Your right about that caveman.
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