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Everything posted by 77

  1. I dont know if he is the right fit for QB but I would want the ball in the hands of my best athelete as much as possible.jmo.
  2. Great to hear about the coaches getting on the same page. Atheletes should play as many sports as possible. Good example is Kirby Bellows at Ned. dont look like 2 sports are hurting his performance on the baseball field or the gridiron. ;D
  3. Dayton That means you'll get to meet Dugas you'll enjoy his bs tell him I said hi.
  4. Wo-s has a Qb that is better than both...Don't need him. ummmm.... I think he was talking about Deweyville since WOS is south of LCM. amen DUH!
  5. Congrats Frank and to mom and dad the best of luck. See ya in the fall.
  6. Hope this dont carry over in the football program.
  7. Your right.
  8. Sounds like a call for the coach to make.
  9. Every position on the field should be up for grabs at the start of every season, and if someone is not performing they should be replaced .That healthy compition is what makes good teams great. Hunter is probably the best athlete to come through LCM in a few years. Good luck to them.jmo Two good QB's is a good problem to have.
  10. I think Reed is just a soph. thats pretty awesome, think he is a good football player also. Got a bright future.
  11. What happened to Ozen , I thought coach Royal had them heading in the right direction the last couple a years?
  12. I was involved in a booster club when my kids were still in school and if run correctly it is great for the program. The last 4 years I was involved we put over $30,000 back into the programs each year. Really able to help the programs that dont bring in much money.
  13. That just blows my mind that with yalls following you have not had a booster club before now. Good luck with your program it will benefit your athletes.
  14. LCM probably has'nt had 15 kids in the last 4 years that ran under 4.6 . : : Good luck though.
  15. WOW! great showing from the boys at WOS.
  16. OK Skip,most kids coming into high school have never played high school football and the kids they have to work with are the cream of the atheletic crop but yes the coaches do an outstanding job and always have.
  17. I look for them to be stronger when this years soph. class is srs. they have some good atheletes and this years freshmen also have some good ones. jmo hope its sooner than later good luck.
  18. It will take awhile to get things going, 500 maybe.Good luck to Randy and the Bears.
  19. I agree but the steroids are a shortcut for those not willing to put in the time and effort. Once they star and see the differenc it makes they usually start working out a bit harder.
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