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Everything posted by 77

  1. I predict, if not torn muscles at least some very sore ones. Should be fun.
  2. If you have been around it much you can usually tell if someone is using especially if you knew them before.
  3. Your right. I knew one whos fastball increased 10 mph over the summer months.
  4. Last time I checked cardinal Stadium (home of the Ozen Panthers) is actually in a Tank Farm! You are correct.
  5. And to think I pay 4000 a year in taxes to live by these beautiful plants . You would think my taxes would be cheaper with the plants tax money, but we can thank robin hood for that. Actually the tax payers are paying for the stadium. $4000 thats awful with all the industry. I know WOS is lower because of chemical row.
  6. McNeese does a pretty good camp in July I think and is reasonably priced.
  7. OK I apologize the res has the cleanest air I have ever breathed I will not disrespect it again, and the view of the tank farm is beautiful. ;D
  8. Chill out I know we all live in this funk. How dare me slander the holy reservation(even if it is cursed). But it is the only one I can think of in a tank farm. ;D
  9. More jealousy I see. Man, this stuff never ends! No jealousy just a fact , its ashame it couldnt be built somewhere other than the tank farm. Not a fact! I happen to know first hand that the emissions from the local facilities are virtually non-existant. The TCEQ air quality regulations and engineered solutions to reduce emissions over the last 10 years have been incredible. Both of the facilities nearest to the stadium are under 24-7 monitoring in the parts per billion range and both have spent millions on environmental projects and procedures to reduce emissions. When was the last time you went to a game at the Res?? What school do you support? Yea you keep believing that! Dont take it personel I think it is a great stadium it wouldnt be so nice without the plants. We're a victim of our enviroment.
  10. More jealousy I see. Man, this stuff never ends! No jealousy just a fact , its ashame it couldnt be built somewhere other than the tank farm.
  11. your right
  12. Very nice , to bad you need a respirator when you go see a game.
  13. Probably wont be complete until summer, coaches have contracts to fullfill. And yes you may ask.
  14. Nothing like home grown pressure.
  15. where is Grogan going to play?
  16. I agree! everone that takes the field wants it, if they didnt they would not take the field.
  17. Surley they didnt go to el paso?
  18. Bet coach Crouch is wishing Haynes would have stayed at LCM now.
  19. Lock him up and throw away the key before he really hurts someone.
  20. Heck we all smoked in the dugout, but that was during lunch.
  21. If theres enough kids to fill a team they should have one seems to me.
  22. Did Chad Richard get any playing time for Galveston?
  23. You cant bash coaches or kids but you can bash administrators correct. just checking.
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