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Everything posted by 77

  1. he was good at being sneaky and crooked thats for sure but he did have the media running interference for him.
  2. do as I say not as I do he's just like the rest up there in the swamp, time to drain it!
  3. one more step in the left taking over so we can have complete state run media. The Dems will be celebrating .
  4. Bill Clinton comes to mind!
  5. How could this happen in California with those strict gun laws? Thats right criminals dont follow laws. P.S. You white devils better arm up if your not already! [Hidden Content]
  6. voter ID laws is no more than a democrat talking point to make people feel they are being singled out. Nonsense.
  7. this is worth a listen especially for our friends that want single payer healthcare. [Hidden Content]
  8. her and Obama are the biggest liars we have ever had period!
  9. Obama and his crew lie because they just like to lie I do believe because they lie about everything from Benghazi to IRS targeting to wire taps to chemical weapons to keeping your dr. to everyones insurance going down avg. $2500.00 to red lines.....
  10. just thinking they way shes been told to think seems to be a democrat thing!
  11. 77

    Great News

    dont bounce my head off the concrete and you will probably be ok!
  12. exactly and thats why we should vote them out regularly.
  13. and its gotten worse for the last 8 yrs under Nappy's savior mr. obama!
  14. Took the clown 8 years to screw it up it wont be fixed in a couple of months!
  15. You crakas just dont get it!
  16. thanks to Obama ! haha
  17. Bush's fault when obama was in office and now the last 8 years are now Trumps fault.
  18. the way our politicians deal is by taking money to enrich themselves and Trump wont do it.
  19. a bunch of those republicans are as upset as the dems about Trump being there because they know he is out to screw up their rein of sponging off the American taxpayers staying in office for 30 and 40 years lining their pockets . Drain the swamp on both sides!
  20. 77


    they need to hold the vote so we know who to vote out of office next go round. Drain the swamp!
  21. now is a great chance for ole weiner to come clean on the clinton crime family and get himself some years taken off.
  22. Ok we agree lets ban em all if thats what you really want to do but that makes you seem islamaphobic big girl.
  23. time to go nuclear !
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