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Everything posted by 77

  1. Moody came to all the events the first couple of months then started to slack off just like any ad does they have to have a life also cant expect them to make everything.
  2. Why weren't you there skipper? There were alot of well wishers including a couple of Mustangs. The school is busy this morning trying to figure out how these guys got past security! ;D That doesn't say much for your security since I walked in wearing my WOS Mustang gear. I thought you were over there looking for a bus ride home after the meeting. ;D ;D Good luck coach I think he will do fine.
  3. I dont care to see your girlfriends teets! Thanks though.
  4. yea the last coach had some pretty weak practices.
  5. Seems to me most of the people talking about this are WOS fans, just look at the title of this topic. Lets let him get going.
  6. You have to do more than just stand around for one season, Son. ;D You're not even a Mustang yet. You're still on probation. Do you think you can just walk into Mustang country for a couple of months and get accepted? You have been welcomed. Let's not get carried away with your role here. Maybe just maybe if you are still around after next season we can talk to you about being part of the blue and silver. ;D ;D ;D
  7. Uh, Neumann was an asst. coach at PNG when he was hired. He hasn't been to shabby so far. so was Moody.
  8. Sorry if I upset anyone that was not my intention. Just making a statement.
  9. He needs to get Pachuca back at LCM.
  10. Are you kiddin look at the picture under his name, he's suckin up even as we speak.
  11. Skip you better take on one board at a time, and I think you got your hands full across town.
  12. Thats a no brainer.
  13. Coach Bronsan is leaving McNeese maybe he is in line for it? (home town guy)
  14. Should know Saturday or Sunday.
  15. Moody never was a head coach before LCM.
  16. I can see your point of the soldier deal and thats great just giving it to your own child but usually what happens is kids are there and their parents dont know about it and they may not approve, plus its illegal.
  17. What happened to the other post that had all those crazy comments on it ?
  18. Sound like the board is stalling. I wonder if they are buying time while they study how this is effecting activities for the remainder of the year. just a guess.
  19. the late board member was against it was'nt he last time they voted?
  20. Were'nt they supposed to discuss this tonight at the board meeting? Wonder how it went?
  21. If this happens the new LCM coach will have some good atheletes to work with.
  22. Get it though your head PNG BROKE NO LAWS!!!!!!!!!!!! They're not going to listen. The media was against PNG because of curiosity of the coaches that applied. And now, that the list is revealed, it's like throwing meat to a hungry pack of wolves. From what I've heard, (and I didn't watch the discussion because it was a waste of time), Klein says a whole lot without saying a dang thing....."typical" polictician. Ok, the list is out, now what are you going to hate on PNG about? I'm sure you will come up with something. The "masters" thing, as so many call it, is required because, for the FINAL time, the position is titled HC/AD......AD is an administrative position and requires a Masters' Degree. PNG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HONOR..............PRIDE...............TRADITION ! So typical ! :
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