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Everything posted by 77

  1. I have read these posts for days now and everyone has stated that they only care about the kids and want whats best for them , my conclusion is that it is more about sports than about the kids because it seems that alot of folks on here didnt know about the deficit of 150 million or whatever it is and the fact that they were struggling withTAKS scores. If you truly were looking out for the kids you would frequent more school board meetings and see what can be done to right the ship and be well informed on the situation that the school has found its self in, instead of waiting for a crisis and then showing up and finding out about all the problems that have been building up. Sounds like the buses are one of the smaller problems the school is facing. jmo
  2. I wondered where you been. Right on. ;D
  3. Dont flatter yourself to much. Everyone will be alright either way. :
  4. I used to have to walk home every day 2 miles in the snow up hill both ways. 8 ;D
  5. He hates Athletics, and is doing everyting to destroy it. He has to go! Did'nt he have a couple boys play baseball there, so why would he be against athletics?
  6. My point was the fact that if they cant play at WOS without a ride home how would they be able to at LCM. (not trying to be ugly just asking)
  7. Go ahead and get rid of football at WOS and watch how many of your students($$$$$$$$) end up at LCM. That may be what would close the door at WOS. LCM does'nt provide after game busing so why would they be better off there?
  8. Were there alot of parents there? Good luck on your campain for the next election grad.
  9. How can just 3 votes out of 7 get it voted down?
  10. He was there before.
  11. Hair looks great compared to the ...... rest
  12. They've got until the 19th.
  13. From POJO to BOJO This may be a stupid question. But what does BOJO stand for? Oh no here we go again....
  14. Because he is loaded and does not have anything else to do with his money. LOL! ;D "I heard" he wanted to start small with the sign, but he's paying to have turf put in over the summer! ;D Shouldn't you two boys be over filling out the LCM questionaire wanting to know this information about who you want for your new AD/Head Coach??????? 1. How important is it that the Athletic Director/Head Football Coach (candidate) be honest and of high moral character and integrity?" Really if you have to ask................... I'm just sayin Bet you wish WOS would have had a questionaire for thier fans, then ya'll would'nt have to go to all these bus meetings. ;D ;D
  15. I was just going by what the paper said, I hope there is a packed house.
  16. I noticed in the paper that only about 20 people showed up for the meeting, that does'nt seem like this is getting alot of support from parents thats not many folks. Good luck hope it works out.
  17. Don't write her a note are she will have you back in school. ;D
  18. Skip should'nt you be at your bus meeting?
  19. I saw a WOS school bus dropping kids off at Bear Academy daycare across from the LCJH today. I thought that was odd.
  20. Big Switch You were wrong when you said just two. Your are wrong when you say just 23 as of today. It was 33 at the end of last week. And you are wrong that this is more than we expected. We thought we should have about 50 and we very well may. Good luck with the big switch. 8) 8) 8)
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