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Everything posted by 77

  1. One way to prevent this situation is the way some schools do it. The player gets 4 tickets to home games, he has to have the name of the persons that the ticket is for by thursday night before the game. The person the ticket is for has to show ID to pick up thier ticket at will call. Keeps your players from being tempted to make a little cash.
  2. OK maybe I jumped the gun a little.
  3. He has huge brass ones! awesome.
  4. 33 have applied should be a list in the paper Monday. Thats the word on the street.
  5. (TheBigSwitch must have just found out that Dan Ray Hooks applied....sssshhhhhh! keep it quiet!) Makes sense about Hooks. I always heard he's got a great working relationship with Little Cypress Junior High players and their families. LOL
  6. More than 2 but not the ones that were on the the post to pick from.
  7. Skip you got to get off them meds your talking crazy!
  8. I just figured out the big switch, I forgot about the move to WOS.
  9. Now I get it . The big switch!
  10. Well put and yes Ronnie was a good one.
  11. ;D
  12. Finding out the reservation is cursed.
  13. Its for all kids,coaches, teachers and anybody else in the area that needs a ride, bottom line parents need to tend to their kids! I bet if they want to go somewhere on the weekend they manage.
  14. I know , they can buy all the students cars or bikes what ever is best for the kids?
  15. Remember, Micheal Jordan lifted during the season. In season lifting is important. I agree about lifting but let them go in their next sport and start working out with them. If a high schooler plays 2 or more sports he will stay in shape.
  16. AJ if your serious and surley your not, but if you are this shows how little you actually know about setexas football.
  17. After football season ad needs to release the varsity baseball, basketball, soccor players to that sport during athletic period and make rest of football players run track. Then expect them back in the weight room once that sport ends. I think you would find that more of your atheletes would stay with football. Have to get the kids to buy back in and I think this would help. Everyone hits the weights hard all summer. jmo
  18. Thats a ridiculous statement!
  19. I know guys with 30 years service that have been laid off at different plants. My point is economics, nobody likes these situations but they happen every day due to economics and this is just one more luxury that will be lost due to the hard times. So just because its been done for so long dont mean it can continue.
  20. ;D ;D They take away our athletics and not only will they lose the kids that need a ride but I will be the first to go. I wonder if LCM would mix in a little blue and silver? If your really concerned about the kids than why would you leave if there were no athletics?
  21. Must be taking folks to the new MCT credit union on noth 87, saw a WOS bus parked there yesterday?
  22. Dang you got on goin EX.
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