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Everything posted by 77

  1. The curse is only on the varsity. Oh its cursed !
  2. I thought vicious hits were what players were supposed to do?
  3. What a nice problem to have, worry about how it is going to go in the playoffs every year even before the reg. season has ended. ;D
  4. I agree that coaching could be the problem and this is not a knock on PNG but very few schools can compare to WOS, yes they have great coaching but on PNG team there probably is not 1 or 2 players that have the type of speed that many WOS players have. Speed cant be taught. But with the numbers PNG has they should be better, maybe its time for a change?
  5. DANG ! indians or only one game better than the Bears.
  6. I hope they make the right call he could have a future at the next level would hate to see him come back to soon and ruin that shot. good luck.
  7. I cant believe yall can afford 2 ad's ? Oh I forgot about the tank farms. Cut back to 1 and pay an oc.
  8. Matt B resigns and Moody takes over at the Reservation. (be careful what ya wish for)
  9. Well put Tex, if more players would tackle him lower they would be able to stop him. He's a big boy a smaller player has to hit someone low to be effective. If he was already hurt he should'nt have been in the game if your gonna blame a coach it should be his (if he was already injured) not PNGs. I wish him the best.
  10. It couldnt have been any cheaper that shot you have playing on your messages. Its part of the game people get hit and they get hurt. I wish him well.
  11. Poor ole Bears!
  12. I watched the Livingston game on tv and the stands were packed in the middle but both ends were pretty sparse.
  13. Dont believe you can compare Friday nights to Saturdays or Sundays.
  14. Sounds like someone is producing some hometown locker room bulletin board material???
  15. No matter what they run or how they do its never good enough? Tuff on an oc
  16. Winning puts people in the stands no matter what school your from, losing does the opposite, just remember a few years back.
  17. Sounds like maybe their just not that good this season?
  18. I thought everone knew when you go into the reservation you were down at least 1 td, been that way forever. ;D
  19. Good job coach V and girls.
  20. Come on coop surley you've heard an Ozen LCM score???
  21. Right where we started just growin pains.
  22. Greg is no player, he quit because he was no longer starting....talked to him bout that in lunch.....howard is ok, too small for his head. hunter has an arm and an attitude, he changes plays; awesome. soccer players are WEAK ya we lose our games but we work in the off season and maybe you cant tell but we give it our all. What ashame quitting on their teamates. >
  23. Also AD at Luling for a few years.
  24. Pretty poor statement!
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