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Everything posted by 77

  1. 5-5 carry over from year before 1-9 0-ok I'll say it 10 I see a trend
  2. Back to football ; I'am hearing some rumors today about a certain someone and December?????
  3. Yes the property was annexed before the bond election but they had not started paying city taxes, I feel that cost made some decide not to vote for it for fear of even higher taxes.
  4. Another thing that may have been a problem getting the bond passed was the fact that mr. claybar and his cronies had just hijacked part of LCM and those peoples taxes were about to take a big jump and I'am sure that had an impact. ( mr. claybar being the mayor of Orange )
  5. I watched the PNG Livingston game on tv the other night and was really surprised how the PNG crowd cleared out with about 5 or 6 min. remaining. I gues it happens everywhere if your not winning.
  6. Yes, Matt is a good man but his time is up. He has been there longer than any other coach has stayed at PNG. and I don't want Long or anyone else who has ever coached there before. Would like to see a change like we did when we hired Malone. It is an attractive position, with good following and a new facility. No need to settle. Be careful what you wish for, Might not turn out so good. Good luck to both teams.
  7. Bomar took a beaten today
  8. Will they allow alcohol at the tailgate area? If they want to fill up the tailgate area that will probably be a must.
  9. 77 that is something we agree on right there. Not only that if you look good you are more apt to play good. 8) 8)
  10. If ya cant play good ya gotta at least look good. ;D ;D ;D
  11. I thought you said keep the opinions to yourself?
  12. I have 3 sons all out of high school now but i would apply the boot whenever necessary. No need for apologies.
  13. Just take the phone away and keep it locked up at home, problem solved.
  14. How as an adult that owns your child's cell phone do you pay the school $15 to get it back. I say if you want to put little Johnny or little Sally in SAC then do so but there is no way in he........ that I would pay a school to get back what is mine. Just my opinion. As an adult that owns the cell phone you should make sure Johnny and little Sally dont use it at school, you should have that power or make them pay.
  15. I know 5 that left this year for raises ranging from 6000 to 10000 dollars per year To districts all within 90 miles.
  16. Stir, I will address points 1 and 2. I do not normally respond to other schools issues but I have had a little experience with this one. Look at you base pay scale for teachers. There are 1A and 2A schools in the area that pay several thousand more dollars in salary. I was offered a job at LCM and turned them down. It came down to dollars. I was at a 1A and would make less at LCM. My dad always told me that you do not teach and coach for the money, but you have to take care of your family. IF you check the 4A districts in the setx area, you will find a big discrepency $7000 to 8000 with the schools that have their hiring schedules posted. Just an observation. Your right sherm they are constantly losing good teachers due to salary.
  17. I dont agree with the fact he is playing his pets I think sometime his view may be a little skewed, but whoever he is playing is not working and maybe he should try another route weather it is changing positions are subbing. I dont think at this point it is an easy fix.Good luck to them.
  18. Why arent they siuting up? thats the million dollar question. There are some there and you can see some of them suit up in the spring.
  19. I agree woshigh, where you can see the genetics come into play for example I've seen kids come up thru the LCM jr.high program which is almost non existent and switch to WOS their freshman or soph. yr and step right into a starting role. In this case its the athelete. Yes I agree a good coach could turn LCM around because a good coach would get the atheletes out for football.
  20. You Lumberton haters this................you Lumberton haters that. You dirty Lumberton haters you........... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ;D ;D
  21. Yea they dont start till their about 8.
  22. LR 1969 check your pm
  23. You're not wanting to start a rumor.... so you decided to do so to see if it was a rumor. Uh huh. If was coach Moody I would leave after this year, take my family and leave. The only thing I ever read is finger pointing at Moody. LCM has for the most point has always lost in football. Maybe it is not just him. I can tell you this I would not take that job for 100,000 dollars. There is no support from community, parents, or the players. Maybe just maybe if the so called grown ups would not always down the coach maybe they might win. All the kids quiting is a joke, the parents sould be kicking the kids in the butt. I agree about quitting my kids were not allowed to quit anything once you start. He is a good man with some good ideas and alot of energy with that being said I think he would make a great asst. coach. Just not ready to lead.
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