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Everything posted by 77

  1. Sad to say but when you have the problems LCM has in football the crowds will not show and that is true for almost any school when your not competitive people will not show. Maybe the school board will start to recognize the problem. My hats off to the boys that are still playing it shows character, good luck the rest of the year. Congrats to the Indians.
  2. LCM will blow them out They will need to learn how to tackle sounds like. Dont know about this year but the last two years they didnt tackle or hit in practice and it certainly shows, you play like you practice.
  3. Good job girls, Coach Vickie is good. ;D
  4. don't know about insurance as far as uniforms: shirts are 2nd hand from last year; maybe even longer then that; kids are wearing white practice pants that we, the parents bought; unless you spent the money on a Revolution helmet (which I did), the helmets are used also what equipment? a football? Water bottles for kids? nope -- I bought them with my own money (except for $10 which was handed to me by two parents; the balance came from my pocket) give me something else to say where the money went and I might accept it. it went to the general fund to make WOS a better place to play for the kids.If you have a concession stand the money goes there to buy food to pay for the Refs.some went to Insurance and some went to the dues that STJFL requires.and some went to kids who really coudn't afford to pay unless it was people like you who paid .I am sure it is going somewhere useful for the kids. go to a meeting and get involved and ask how much money is in the general fund..usually in meetings they will say it and also tell what was spent and where it was spent at since the previous meeting. Very well put.
  5. You could ride over to LCM with that old man that dresses like an indian and maybe him and his buds will cut the lock off the gate again like a few years ago that will really get you seated faster. ;D Goodluck to both teams. P.S. PNG wins big.
  6. By cancelling this game Moody can keep one more loss off his record as an ad. Come on coach let the kids that are there play!
  7. Its not the way most are raised it is how their coached. You dont see the problem in baseball, basketball, soccer to much. Sure there are some that are that way but not most.
  8. This post as nothing to do with the subject of this entire post, if the white kids were the problem then there would only be about 4 or 5 team members. :
  9. I was refering to your comment about getting hurt playing football. I know you cant keep them from being hurt!
  10. If your worried about them being hurt ya better take the car keys and lock em in!
  11. I know many kids that have been confronted with this situation in the last 6 or 7 years. After their soph. year is when they start to specialize in one sport, there are always some that stay with more sports but not many. I'am not saying its right or wrong I'am just saying that it happens alot. And in turn it hurts the football program. I've seen kids come back into football their sr. year after their other sport did'nt turn out like they hoped.
  12. Well put and the majority of these high schoolers are not going anywhere to play after high school no matter how bad daddy wants it.
  13. You are exactly right and if all those atheletes would play football the coaches of the other sports would not be able to use the tactics of if you dont play a certain sport year round you will get behind therefore wont be able to play for me. Over the years I've seen many different kids play 2 or 3 sports and excell. They need to get the mind set of the smaller schools that the atheletes play all sports. ( coaches too)jmo
  14. I believe also that Dan Hooks could turn around the football program at LCM. That is "IF" the parents would allow it. That's a big "IF". Coaches Hooks has been coaching the same way for thirty years. Its his way are the highway. That is why he is still at WOS. I believe you are correct he needs to enforce discipline on all players across the board no matter how good or bad of a player they are. Which he did not do last year.
  15. I guess I stand corrected, sorry.
  16. I think the talent is there.LCM is just not a football school because they have not had a great deal of success.IMO there is talent but they want come out for football. I know that coaching and the type of program have a lot to do with the success of any school.You put all this togather and it will equal failure. Look at schools like PNG,NED,WO-S,WB,BC,Newton and others.They don't stay on top for ever but they don't stay down for long either.All these schools have something in common...Winning!!! Why?They have the right work ethic instilled in their kids...all the kids not just a handful. I remember years back when it all came togather for LCM and they had a great playoff run...three or four rounds deep.I thought that would light a fire for the future but it just fizzled out. There is a lot of untaped talent on the team now that Moody doesn't use because he wont give them the chance. He has players that give it their all and do everything he ask. All he does is play his favorites. I have seen coaches that have almost no talent win more games because the coach knew how to work with the kids and they wanted to work for him. Time and time again I have watched Moody get on a kid that gets 1/10th the practice time doing the wrong thing 1 time. While a starter is doing the exact same thing almost every play, but that kid starts and both are the same size, have the same speed and have the same talent. A coach has to develop all the players so they can all be their if needed. If all but the last string player goes down how will that player be able to help the team if the coach hasn't done his job. The player will get yelled at for not know the play when he knows the plays on paper just never practiced them. He has told the kids that do what he ask they would play more. I know someone is going to say the best should start. The only problem with that is sometimes the better player is not the one starting because he doesn't get the practice the other players get. The ones that are starting are Moody's pets. What I noticed last year was that he had his starters set from day one and no matter how they performed or( did'nt in this case )had no bearing on how much they played, has you know they were 1-9 on the season but he would never vary on who played no matter the score or the game at some point you have to challenge your better players to step it up whether it is pulling them for a series to get thier attention or take them from the starting line up. They knew that there was no chance of losing thier job. At any level you must do this to get the best from your players. As for the pet thing I dont think he mistreats any kids he just does'nt challenge them to be better. jmo
  17. Thats great. ;D Just as Moody feared golf cart takes out entire LCM defense as it charges the field after ref makes bad call on Mustangs.
  18. You made the right move coach.
  19. ;D ;D
  20. He had nothing to lose in playing this game everyone knew he was the huge underdog but just think how good he would look if something very very strange happened and he won. Bad choice on his part.
  21. ......and a little talent to go along with it! Yea your right, but he puts it all together.
  22. You it the nail on the head freak he has quit on his team, just like he as let them quit and come back over the last couple of years.
  23. They have a great coach .
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