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Everything posted by 77

  1. And not one of the mainstream media news station carried this story, dont fit the agenda!
  2. only difference is the fact that the state run media calls out the right on lies and stays silent on lies from the left.
  3. if their friends with the muslum brotherhood they are friends with Obama.
  4. guess he was right all along. Obama and the democratic party are the most crooked ever! My poor old grandpa is rolling over in his grave .
  5. also read that Hawaii has not taken any immigrates in 2 years so another case of do as I say not as I do.
  6. Yea but but but Obama can say it because he's black well half black and Carson is not!
  7. All people are sinners the only difference is that Christians know they are sinners and know they need Gods grace in their life it cant be earned. No one is the perfect Christian.
  8. whats the problem we paid for Mrs. obama and her mom and aunts uncles and whoever else wanted go jetting all over the world on our dime!
  9. Just watch some of those protest and you can tell they are a hate group.
  10. And that is part of the problem those elites in DC should have to live under the same laws us peons do. This is one example of why Trump is in the WH.
  11. if its offensive why dont the NAACP change it in their name?
  12. NAACP what does the C stand for?
  13. sends a message when Iran and the left think alike.
  14. What we need is more Obama shovel ready jobs! Oh thats right that was a scam too.
  15. Exactly the group that is involved in taking the US from within and its worked because Obama and so many democrats want this.
  16. You crakas better pay up!
  17. idiots and they are afraid of this swamp draining that is taking place.
  18. cut off funding we the people should not pay for damage these fools inflict!
  19. [Hidden Content] such hypocrites!
  20. dont step foot in one unless I really gotta pee!
  21. straight from the horses mouth dont get much clearer! [Hidden Content]
  22. I am pretty old but I can remember a time when the Democratic party was pulling for America and her people now it seems they are community organizers against anything that puts Americans first. My grandfather & father are spinning in their grave.
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