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Everything posted by 77

  1. The sheep are being led to the slaughter!
  2. But I wont be paying for them!
  3. just run that wall north up Cali while we're building!
  4. cant go wrong with Peyton.
  5. what happened to separation of church and state? Dems are such hypocrites.
  6. Hes not your normal candidate remember he is there to help the people not himself and his cronies, great to see someone put America first for a change.
  7. Just wish we had a media that would call them out on it!
  8. cant fix your problems as long as your in denial!
  9. most transparent admin. ever!
  10. idiots!
  11. most transparent admin. ever! NOT
  12. liberal women that preach all this acceptance sure are angry and unaccepting. Why do democrats hate whitey so much?
  13. they were going the anti Trump route!
  14. Only women I know that went were the two angry lesbians down the street.
  15. He didn't need the crowd to show up on inauguration they showed up when he needed them and that was election day.. Personally there is no way I would go see that no matter who it was, kinda like the Superbowl when I can sit home save my money and see everything better than those there. JMO
  16. Remember with the left it is all about free speech unless you disagree with them!
  17. I did notice our new POTUS didn't use the words I I I and me me me like our last POTUS did in every speech!
  18. 77


    coming from you I will wear that insult as a badge of honor!
  19. 77


    he's been trying the last eight years and if the crook would have got in they would have made more progress.
  20. but how many have we let go? glad we got em.
  21. This guy says whats really happening! [Hidden Content]
  22. I dont think they are afraid I just believe they want what he wants!
  23. That reminds me I need to go to the range!
  24. exactly he was a push over in office but he will try his best to make Trump look bad!
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