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Everything posted by 77

  1. 77

    Poor Hillary

    Probably not I think they feel they could still use them.
  2. but bama said you could keep your doctor and each family would see a $2500 decrease in prices?
  3. LOL
  4. He does love him some radical islamist!
  5. Once again as in every case of these shootings the FBI had them on their radar and did nothing to stop them I for one have lost a lot of confidence in our safety the main job of govt. to protect its citizens from foreign and domestic enemies!
  6. so they can call them mares or fillies!
  7. good about time but anybody who openly says its a problem are labeled uncle tom or racist.
  8. Thats why they need a mom and pop at home to teach respect but pops dont seem to stay maybe BLM could address that problem but they wont!
  9. drain the swamp!
  10. designed to collapse the system so they (left) can install single payer and it would have worked if clinton would have won but guess what!
  11. I wasn't paying as much before Obamacare as i am now and my retirement pay has not increased! Shred it!
  12. If it aint odd enough for the people that make the laws and are supposed to work in our best interest it aint good enough for me and my family period!
  13. ok he will get voted out. If you noticed this last election everyone but the left wing loons is tired of the crooks and kooks in DC!
  14. 77

    Now Poland!

    "Peaceful Religion"
  15. Its just the latest fad for lefties to hate on the good ole USA while they live a life that could only be done in said USA!
  16. the leaders want to kill the jews and thats what matters!
  17. Very good and very simple! [Hidden Content]
  18. So you say the thug had a right to be outside on the sidewalk but the home owner didn't ? Yes thats logical!
  19. i say gettin your head bounced off the concrete is just cause! but thats just me
  20. i say gettin your head bounced off the concrete is just cause! but thats just me
  21. I dont agree I think they have an agenda and will do what it takes to see it through!
  22. showing his cowardly ways has he leaves the WH by putting sanctions on Russia and screwing our best friend in a region of terrorist. He would be doing nothing to Russia if the crook would have won. Remember that red line he drew and did nothing after the fact. he's a coward!
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