millionaires that made their money in the private sector unlike the millionaires from Clinton and Obamas admin who made their millions of the backs of the people . (career politicians)
one thing we all find out about these terrorist is that the govt. always had them on the radar and did nothing about it thats Obama and the PC world we live in. Well obviously Obamas treating them with kid gloves dont work folks better wake up!
Trump is not in office yet everything going on is still Obamas biz, but hes gone surfin again really did he need to take a vacation with a month left in office. Hes milkin all he can outta you peons.
They are just like our politicians living in their ivory towers looking down upon the peons wouldn't give any of them the time of day. Why I dont go to the movies well that and its a soft target!
Because liberals and democrats have an agenda to bring down America and ignore the history of this great nation for a global community and to do away with our borders. JMO