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Everything posted by 77

  1. if the Trump election hurt the snowflakes feelings they gonna have to double up on the hot cocoa and playdoh after this!
  2. Bet they wish they had concealed carry on campus may have saved some folks! They are savages folks!
  3. Not many presidents have been more racist than the one that just spent 8 years there!
  4. good question!
  5. [Hidden Content] watch this funny but all to true skit!
  6. you know kinda like taxing alcohol made people stop drinking!
  7. If you promise me New York and maybe California were going under water because of warming I would go out and get me a private jet just to help make it happen.
  8. There was a politicians grandson killed in the war in Chicago yesterday in a home invasion over a pair of tennis shoes! If you dont think there is a moral decay in our society please explain that. Very very sad! Thats the same city the Mayor stood up and said that illegal immigrants were going to be protected well I guess that dont go for citizens!
  9. he wont have any trouble filling this hotels he dont need those spoiled oppressed millionaires staying there!
  10. this is just what they wanted all along a divided public is easier to manipulate! "Rules for Radicals"
  11. I am just glad now that I can disagree with the president and not be labeled a racist by the state run media and some of the folks on this board!
  12. they set a few fires in Oakland last night and I doubt it was the deplorable's doing it!
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. Clintons got them all her back pocket we need to pull the plug and drain DC!
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. one set of laws for you peons and one set of laws for the elites!
  17. I dont believe that Trump became a millionaire off of the backs and deception of the American people while being in govt. for 30 years are more only making a relatively small salary. She will screw me or you she is in it for one person only and thats her!
  18. They already have!
  19. Isn't that the word Hillary's supporters use? Jay ZZZZZZZ
  20. Load up!
  21. If Trump talked about Clinton supporters like this the state run media would crucify him! [Hidden Content]
  22. doubt we hear much about it on the state run media.
  23. And yet you back a woman that has a doctorate in the same degree!
  24. guess the dems should have investigated but I bet they didnt because they had to much to hide!
  25. if clinton is elected we will have single payer for sure!
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