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Everything posted by 77

  1. they wont touch her because they are all in on the get rich scheme!
  2. This just shows how dumb some of these Obama lovers are !
  3. Religious liberties? [Hidden Content]
  4. this must have been the election before he used the black panthers to harass folks at the poll!
  5. This kind of stuff the POTUS does to discourage folks to enlist to further dismantle our military same reason he's done nothing to fix the VA. JMO
  6. Huge lie from the worst President ever! [Hidden Content]
  7. Thats the problem we have now is these life time politicians that are only there to line their pockets and its pretty evident thats what they have been doing. Time to drain the swamp!
  8. Hillary is for sure the biggest liar on tv!
  9. all the big shots crying about GW are the same ones jetting all over the world in private jets. What a joke!
  10. Part of the lefts plan to tear the military down!
  11. cops need to start culling calls and let the fools fend for themselves.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. seen a little on the state run media but can you imagine if this was the other way around? It would be on round the clock!
  14. its working as planned complete collapse and govt. must step in with single payer!
  15. Looks like Navasota should not have run their coach off!
  16. They dont have to worry about it they probably leave a terrible after taste!
  17. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  18. WOS handily!
  19. supporters of Clinton must be the most naive or completely stupid or deaf and blind sheeple we have ever experienced. If she wins , congratulations and hope they keep targeting the people you dont agree with and hope she never turns on y'all but I think she will!
  20. They just keep coming but dont expect the state run media to talk about it! [Hidden Content]
  21. Its just ashame that if she gets elected the first black president and woman president will be total failures for the American people!
  22. If it dont bother you that clinton gets off it shouldn't bother you when a cop gets off for shooting someone!
  23. But the ones that are it should be ok to broadcast just like if they were KKK terrorist bet that would get some air time!
  24. So this Martin guy thats in trouble for keeping govt. documents at his house what did he do differently than Clinton? They say they dont think he shared them with anyone!
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