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Everything posted by 77

  1. all he did was go around apologizing for America I wish he would have had the balls to talk to some of these leaders in stead of giving his brothers billions of our dollars ( Iran) but he was a coward and still is!
  2. brennan and obama didnt have the guts to deal with putin and their pissed because we got a president with balls enough to go talk to him!
  3. I remember a President not to long ago said "elections have consequences" !!!
  4. stay armed my friends!
  5. dems love to love a criminal they dont care what the charge was!
  6. they would take to many repubs down with them. jmo
  7. after Weiner serves his time I look for him to commit suicide.
  8. Iam not a lefty but I figured I would give you the pat answer!
  9. your a racist nazi!
  10. if it truly is the religion of peace wouldn't the middle east be the safest place on the planet?
  11. It appears to me all the race hustling reverends and black politicians loved Trump before he was a republican President but now they all see how he is trying to work for the betterment of the American citizen and hurting the amount of $$$ these folks use to line their pockets and they dont like it and that goes for the republicans too. Maybe they liked him so he would donate to them????
  12. he repeats it because thats his orders!
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. only works one way in these times!
  15. he should run as a democrat they all think alike!
  16. i dont know but the sure dont send near enough nut cases there!
  17. we once had a great hospital in Rusk Tx and many more like it for people like these shooters. The liberal hug fest and everyone gets a trophy mentality has changed all that and mainstreamed these crazies so this it what you end up with!
  18. wait a minute obama traded a few terrorist from gitmo for that traitor dont forget. Bergdall i think was his name!
  19. or maybe a judge who isn't bought and paid for or does not have a serious hate problem.
  20. only white men!
  21. good ole Obama!
  22. dems have gone way off the rails!
  23. so so corrupt!
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