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Everything posted by 77

  1. You do know that some of these cops are black dont you?
  2. Those going against Trump are the republicans that want no change in DC and screw up their cash flow and they Know Trump will and Hillary is one of them shes been there forever and she dont want it to change!
  3. only problem is that the FBI said she lied to them the congress and the American people. Now you and I both know that if we did that we would be in jail black or white So if you are truly against injustice you should be livid about this so I guess it may just be a black and white issue after all !
  4. At least looking in the proper place for a change!
  5. I put nothing past the evil one!
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. ugly!!!
  8. This is why one must stay locked and loaded I do believe 8 or 10 of those attackers would go down with me and your right the state run media will not mention it !
  9. Maybe the black people should quit committing crimes then this would not be a problem but then again we know thats not gonna happen because they may need school clothes!
  10. They for sure get more time than Hilliary will ever get for a much worse crime and thats the folks yall want in DC. Be careful what ya wish for remember the super predators comments!
  11. if they would have denied a cake for a gay wedding it would be all over the state run media and they would have already been fired . Do as I say not as I do!
  12. pitiful!
  13. Dang white privilege!
  14. My question is why are so many protesters wearing mask to cover their face guess they intend on doing more than just protesting , I dont remember ever seeing MLK covering his face in protest but the KKK did. Maybe these mobs and the klan have a lot in common ! (hate groups)
  15. Wow thats a change I thought the left always blamed the NRA and all gun owners!
  16. All of this nonsense has happened under a black president with a black AG and so many black heads of police dept. so maybe that is who folks should be pointing the finger at!
  17. Poor oppressed millionaires!
  18. No the one with the gun was in NC!
  19. I never owned slaves and you never picked cotton so get over it!
  20. Why does the left have no problem with Kapernick and his rights but they had a very big problem with someone who would not bake a cake , what about their rights?
  21. Thats why we you should always be legally armed for protection!
  22. Thought this would be a good place to post things like this! [Hidden Content]
  23. They wont get anything because the folks hes going after are all on the same side and they have proven FBI , congress or anyone cant touch them but hey you obama and hillary droolers dont care that they are above the law and can do whatever they want , hope it dont effect you to much one day!
  24. You know it wasn't by accident it was planned and all we need to do is revoke it if it wasn't State run media aint gonna touch this story!!
  25. If their family is here and they truly want to be out of the middle east then why would they ever go back. Oh thats right, training!
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