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Everything posted by 77

  1. Just like when Yobama got in!
  2. the wall is an unproven lie and the other is a factual lie big difference!
  3. Just keeps getting better! [Hidden Content]
  4. Clinton is not telling anyone anything that alone is enough not to trust her in my book!
  5. 77

    Voter Fraud?

  6. Family!
  7. Birds of a feather!
  8. 77

    Voter Fraud?

    DOJ is only representing people that have a D by there name and dont mind the corrupt admin. which seem to be all of them!
  9. afraid its gonna be shutout 101! Good luck to both teams!
  10. one of her biggest donors! [Hidden Content]
  11. glad you recognize the fact that most of the time conservative thinking is the voice of reason and common sense!
  12. I think the state run media has a lot to do with the polls!
  13. I think the folks that pay property and school taxes in this city should surround the perimeter of the school with U.S. flags!
  14. 77


    If these nuns would have been criminals maybe we could draw more rioters they tend to like to riot when criminals are killed!
  15. as for those forty times, those are called DT's that stands for daddy times!
  16. I did the upgrade and no problems have resulted!
  17. nothing to see here! [Hidden Content]
  18. They do because thats what they are told to believe!
  19. And that is why parents must teach their children right from wrong in the home because now days the schools will not!
  20. Clintons say they will shut down foundation if she wins Pres. Please explain why she didn't feel that way while S.O.S. she wielded quite a bit of power there too!
  21. Trump was a business man and to better his business he had to pay to play, I've never blamed the folks greasing the palm I blame the crooked politicians for accepting it! Term limits is the answer!
  22. If a person does not believe in a God they should have no trouble saying the word!JMO
  23. 77


    I wouldn't watch fox either if I could get the news somewhere else and not just the news the media wants me to get but all the news!
  24. How could that be she said she turned them all over to the FBI already! This will all be swept under the rug because of our terribly crooked govt.and press!
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