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Everything posted by 77

  1. Liberal utopia!
  2. Remember Obama said poor women and children refugees well we had a women in California and child suicide bomber. You cant tell who"s good and who"s bad . Kinda like in Nam was!
  3. He gotcha again folks!
  4. there is a lot of democrats and probably some republicans getting very wealthy from this foundation I am sure and they (FBI, CIA DOJ ) all of them are going to cover for them all the way!
  5. Clinton wants to bring more too!
  6. Hope not we are gonna need them with all the felons Obama is releasing from prison!
  7. Unless its your house flooded or your loved one missing or dead!
  8. The big difference in these two cases are that the folks in Baton rouge put their boots on and went to work and in NO they stood on their roofs and whined for somebody to help me ! Almost every house in BC was flooded after Ike and it wasn't all over the national news because they went to work and didn't sit around waiting for someone to coddle them! JMO
  9. Thank yall wasn't sure what to call it!
  10. I did notice the younger Billy Graham was in La. I wonder were the two most famous revs.(Jessie & Al) are? Thats right they only show up to stoke the hate and not much of that goin on down there!
  11. I think hes just a U.S. born muslim sympathizer!
  12. why do they have to lie about everything?
  13. last year gave a car to my son and transferred from my name to his , he paid me nothing for it and I had to pay a small fee so I dont know if you call it a gift tax or title swap fee but somebody got some $$$$!
  14. If you live below sea level and hurricane center tells ya to leave maybe you should listen thats the moral to the story!
  15. 77

    Good old Joe!

    feelin up old hidabeast!
  16. 77

    Voter Fraud?

    Always have hated voting on machines because there is no paper trail to prove anything!
  17. You just cant make it up, old Joe just pointed out the SS agent that knows the nuclear code and keeps it for him ! [Hidden Content]
  18. Low info voters!
  19. Not surprised!
  20. Because he likes it!
  21. watch both videos ! [Hidden Content]
  22. Someone explain why these folks want to kill whitey when the cop that shot the black man was black?
  23. "Sorry I ruined your black panther party" in my best Forest Gump voice!
  24. did you watch the video?
  25. I wonder if the rich people he is talking about is Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Read and all the rest from good old LBJ that have put these folks in this position and worked very hard to keep them there as they continue to vote them in office. "Stupid is what stupid does"
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