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Everything posted by 77

  1. Here is your answer nash! Might qualify as one of those low info voters I hear about! [Hidden Content]
  2. probably gonna be all over the news tonight NOT! white privilege rears its ugly head again!
  3. Yep Obama is succeeding with his plans of race relations. Guess I better go lock and load LOL just jokin iam already prepared!
  4. until folks recognize the problem it will never stop! Dont run from police and dont steal guns! Probably the only way he had to get school clothes!
  5. he would be in jail just like me or you!
  6. good point baddog I think I agree with ya!
  7. Well there ya have it!
  8. Because they are using them to end the life of condemned felons and we all know how much the left loves their felons!
  9. and the American people!
  10. As for loopholed out of paying taxes,all any of us do is use the laws they write to our advantage and if you dont then your not very smart. Remember the rich (in DC) are writing these laws for their advantage. Simplify the tax laws and problem solved!
  11. not a fan!
  12. [Hidden Content] well imagine that!
  13. DEA blew it again! JMO
  14. Nobody burned the town down either did they or went on a cop killing spree!
  15. Is there anything at all this bunch wont lie about guess not!
  16. But they wont touch Clinton! Talk about corruption!
  17. If Clinton loses you surely cant blame the media because they have done their part to get her elected!
  18. Beach blanket bingo! She was a hottie!
  19. cops need to quit answering calls to the areas where they may be attacked!
  20. and the entitled elitist continue to roll and the left is fine with it!
  21. you have to fill out a form with all your info and the govt. does the check to see if any warrants felonies etc.
  22. Well it is all about the color of his skin and not the content of his character!
  23. If you buy from a lic. gun dealer you get a background check now. If I am selling my gun to my brother its ridiculous to think I should do a background check.
  24. Obama just doing his part to help the jihad!
  25. anyone that would deny this is a fool!
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