Makes no sense not even considering the security problems but the fact that we have so many folks already on govt. asst. and more folks than ever that have quit looking for work. Just shows the dems will do anything to try to stay in power by shipping in more dem.voters.
Only need to shut them down if they are preaching hate against US and stoking the radicals to act but to answer your question , not as long as we have a democrat in office they want voters more than they want to keep anyone safe over here. JMO
Guess we are now paying middle eastern countries ransom for hostages . They didn't bother to tell the American taxpayer about it and wouldn't have if they didn't get caught gotta love this crooked bunch!
I could care less about any of their taxes. They have a lot of high paid CPA's that find every law that will be in their favor just like the rest of us do!