Trump said in his speech he hoped Russia could find missing emails for us , now the press is spinning it that Trump wants Russia to hack us, such nonsense!
Thats just wrong sounds like some Hillary stuff goin on here remember we do have two sets of laws guess this time it worked against ya. Kinda like the IRS targeting this time your enemies and thats okay but next time my be your allies thats why we must hold everyone to the same standard and the elites dont want to do that!
If Clinton is elected it will be just like the last 8 years worse employment numbers for blacks than it as been for awhile and nothing to benefit them. They got you hook line and sinker, guess LBJ knew what he was talking about!
Watching the state run media early this morning and it is almost laughable the way they are making the leaked emails all about Trump and how Putin is backing him instead of saying if they have these emails what else do they have possibly from a secret server in a basement some where. This shows the true bias in living color and its a terrible shame!
Clintons hero was Robert Byrd head of the KKK and remember she started the birther conversation. How soon we forget she has you right where she wants ya and I am a little hesitant to use NR screen name for being labeled racist!