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Everything posted by 77

  1. Libs are grasping at anything that may look bad on Trump while ignoring the liar and cheat they have served up! Using a few of the same words from another speech is a big deal but setting up a private server in your basement to hide facts from the American people is okay!
  2. pretty weak to go after her when Hildabeast has done the things she's done and then lie about it all!
  4. always good to have criminals parents speak in your behalf! what a bunch of idiots!
  5. Big girl you need to take a look at the statistics your a part of this problem and if a war is what your looking for you better be careful what you wish for! Just sayin
  6. Thats weak Tobie for someone thats a Clinton follower!
  7. Yep I live just a few miles from Lakeway and its all over the news in this area sad indeed!
  8. Amazing after every attack all the state run media anchors are talking about what could be the motive and then of coarse no one in his family knew he was radicalized and saw no signs as they stepped over his bomb making equipment. We better get some leadership fast!
  9. I will go through slow enough for them to move if they choose to!
  10. I will not fall victim to idiots blocking highways sorry in advance if there are injuries!
  11. She cant be trusted and thats enough for most normal thinking people but I do realize that dems these days are not normal thinking people. My gandpas dems are long gone!
  12. who cares what he says he's long gone if he did something to break the law they should have charged him and I would agree with them!
  13. Nobody should be shocked by this and it will get worse here when Clinton completely opens our borders!
  14. well we better arm up for sure if she is elected because this will be the norm here, when will people wake up?
  15. Hillary and Yobama want to let em all come in with out proper screening thats just stupid!
  16. Just another great citizen targeted by racist cops! [Hidden Content]
  17. Not sarcasm at all!
  18. Probably happening because everyone knows he's done in a few months!
  19. No i feel it is not a coincidence seen it happen before on the Clinton News Network!
  20. Another elitist wanting to disarm Americans while he is surrounded by armed guards! Idiot
  21. The outcome I was talking about meant I will be in heaven!
  22. I agree no politician can fix it and I know God can and that he has a plan and I know that we all are sinners and for me I am a work in progress never to be suitable to live in Gods kingdom but through his grace and the fact that he sent Jesus to die for our sins and knowing that I will never be deserving on my merits I do think I am going to be pleased with the outcome! JMO
  23. Everything he campaigned against I guess everyone can be bought after all!
  24. 77


    [Hidden Content] watch his most righteous rant lot of truth being spoken!
  25. Interesting read and its from a true patriot! [Hidden Content]
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