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Everything posted by 77

  1. Saw a pudit today saying you cant judge blm by one guy and I agree but they seem to blame every person that ever looked at a Rebel flag when that kid killed those folks in that church. Kinda funny how the left likes to do that!
  2. The difference with this guy and you dove is that the media will give him a platform and you not so much!
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Always has been racism and always will be sorry but thats just the way it will be and there will always be white trash and black trash we just have to unite with folks of like mind and avoid the haters!
  5. Well you can bet that would be the case!
  6. Just think how high that pop. could be if the dems didnt keep those abortion clinics operating!
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. I know right where paper work is so there is no digging!
  9. How ya think that would work out probably look a lot like Chicago!
  10. Any time I get pulled over I have my ID's out with both hands on top of steering wheel in plan sight when cop approaches car. Had a cop tell me thats the best way oh and lots of yes sir and no sir no matter what age, been to jail and I am not a fan.
  11. 77

    From CNN

    If it dont have anything to do with illegal immigrants or lgbt he will do nothing but give lip service and thats to black and white and any other Americans. He is slowly tearing our military apart and it is by design!
  12. After looking at the rap sheet for the man killed in Baton Rouge I feel the system failed him. He should have been in prison and then he would not have been killed!
  13. speaks to soon before the facts are in and places blame therefore leading to violent outburst!
  14. Not to sure about that! He took to the podium stoking the fire yesterday before any facts have come in about latest cop shootings he of all people should know to get the facts before pointing fingers !
  15. No one will ever divide this country more than Barrack Hussien Obama has!
  16. And the corruption continues! Been watching the whole Comey deal on tv and its pretty obvious hes on the take!
  17. Because that life dont matter over the right of illegals in the eye of the political left!
  18. Why open carry when you can legally conceal carry!
  19. Its over remember they dont want Trump either!
  20. maybe shes the buffoon?
  21. He did say they found 110 classified documents so there is no doubt she lied to us all about that!
  22. Told ya, crooks take care of their own kind!
  23. Guarantee FBI will find no wrong doing (corruption continues) although we all know she is crooked as a snake!
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