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Everything posted by 77

  1. Congrats to this young man he has been a prime time player for years , well deserved!
  2. All this nonsense is coming straight out of the White house!
  3. It dont matter because the FBI is gonna side with Clinton obama is not gonna let her go down because she knows to much on him!
  4. Something is very scary about the way this admin. does things! Gotta make even the most loyal obama support wonder why! [Hidden Content]
  5. the establishment is afraid of him just like they are Trump!
  6. Why would anyone want to be the mayor of Port Arthur thats a better question?
  7. Old Bill may have slipped her a little willie!
  8. but good ole Bill met with the head of the DOJ and i am sure everything has been put in the stall mode!
  9. yall are all just racist oh wait he's black never mind your bigots!
  10. Its because it dont fit their agenda a legal gun owner saved lives!
  11. Heres one the media is not talking about wonder why? [Hidden Content]
  12. And served this country!
  13. I wonder why these terrorist target Turkey or France they dont even have a gitmo Didnt our Pres. say thats why we have to close gitmo so they wont attack us?
  14. sounds like he did! You can have free speech as long as the left agrees!
  15. This nonsense has nothing to do with Reagan!
  16. He has already got the word out most of the deaths occur before they get the info out there but you can bet if she wins the IRS will send him to prison!
  17. I think some people forget how many white folks died trying to free the slaves while the southern white democrats were fighting to keep slaves most in the battles were white!
  18. 77


    she lied to their parents and her supporters dont care.
  19. Machine guns really? your kidding with that statement. Talk about listening to politicians machine guns are illegal!
  20. 77


    Beyond me how anyone could back this proven liar!
  21. Just another hate crime I am sure obviously these bombers hate travelers or is it just hate crime in the USA?
  22. So your not willing to protect yourself or loved ones with a gun? Thats ashame and to think the first black President could have done something to help you not feel that way but yet he made things worse!
  23. exactly!!
  24. Ok Nappy here is a question for you. If you think cops are out to kill black people and obviously you do why on earth would you vote for a democrat either Obama or Clinton who wants to take guns out of the hands of citizens? Seems to me you would want the black population to at least be as well armed as the people trying to kill them? Democrats got you right where they want you and your not recognizing it. jmo
  25. If that would have been a white cop killing a un armed black man at the auto parts store I feel certain that business would have been torn up by protesters but we didnt see that even though it was a white guy cussing that probably needed an good beat down but instead was shot by an off duty black police officer that nothing happened too. So whitey is the problem , dont think so! And i also have been disrespected and hassled by cops but I dont hold all of them responsible for that! and I really dont understand why this was brought up in this thread!
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