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Everything posted by 77

  1. Nailed it!
  2. I trust none of the regulars in DC vote em all out and start term limits!
  3. Common sense is what I am asking for they want to let to many come at once and their track records not to good at vetting and it only takes a few! This country was founded on coming legally and Obama has been trying to skirt that since he got in office.So yes I do not trust him or Hill to do the right thing!
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Then why do you want to let all these immigrants come in that love Sharia law that you say does those terrible things to folks like what was done to your relatives seems like you would not want to go through that again?
  6. same reason the didn't pass immigration reform. This way they get to blame the republicans and hopefully maintain their power they dont give a squat about immigrants or the citizens all they care about is their power!
  7. Breaking the law has consequences and those illegals should never have had those kids here until they were legal. Thats in reference to all the whiners on tv talking about ripping families apart!
  8. Yes that Obama the same one that siced the IRS on the people of America that dont agree with his views. You do know that if we dont call these crooks on things like this the shoe may be on the other foot next time!
  9. Justice served!
  10. Here is the problem with the whole gun talk. Rangle says law abiding people dont need guns but when the reporter ask about guns all around him and DC protecting politicians he says well thats different. Our school children should at least be protected as good as the criminals in DC! [Hidden Content]
  11. They will probably wish they had them when Soros and Obamas thugs show up!
  12. Hope BD likes Sharia law , I am pretty sure he will if Yobama and the dems tell him to. I feel sorry for folks with young kids mine are grown and buy their on ammo. thank goodness!
  13. Hes right on while the dems pitch a hissy fit and sit down on the job( sit in) , what a bunch of crybabies!
  14. My theory is that the GOP dont want to win the presidency because they know that usually the other party controls the house and senate and therefore they would lose their jobs and we all know they (on both sides) are only concerned about themselves and their power.jmo
  15. I did not vote for Trump in the primaries but the fact that the establishment politicians on both sides hate him so much makes me want to vote for him even more.
  16. If ya dont think Yobama has an agenda to get as many muslims as possible here ya may have a screw loose! [Hidden Content]
  17. North of Orange!
  18. If you dont think Yobama dont have an agenda I do believe ya got a screw loose! [Hidden Content]
  19. "Nobody knows the troubles I've seen" WHAA WHAA WHAA cry me a river!
  20. democrats got those Chicago thugs killin each other just like they planned! Remember who was behind the old KKK!
  21. I dont do Hannity either!
  22. Blue Dove make ya a run way back in devils pocket off hwy 87 some day!
  23. yep
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